Tag Archives: faithfulness

Our Faith Walk: Who are You? Part 2

Who are You? Part 2

Identity in crisis

Last week we presented identity as the set of characteristics that constitutes individual personality.  It is influenced by both internal and external factors.  Our identity is dynamic, in that it can be influenced by situations and circumstances that surround us.  Therefore, our identity is to be carefully guarded and protected.  This is especially true when we consider our spiritual identity (Prov. 4:23).

It is difficult to maintain our identity in Christ while living amid the 21st century.  Temptations offered by Satan, the influence of worldview, and the weakness of our human flesh, create conditions for a “perfect storm” that can negatively impact our walk of faith.  Considering these tests, how can we protect our identity in Christ?

A Change in Identity

Why do people change their identity?  Because of change.

Human beings have a complicated relationship with change. While it is both inevitable and essential for growth, change can also be deeply uncomfortable — especially if it feels involuntary, or out of our control.

As researchers focused on social change, we’ve spent the last ten years studying how people react to drastic changes in their lives. We’ve conducted hundreds of interviews with people who lost a desired identity, such as former white-collar professionals forced to move into lower-status careers, as well as with people trying to shed an undesirable or stigmatized identity, such as former prisoners working to reintegrate themselves in their communities.

Interestingly, regardless of whether the changes were ostensibly positive or negative, many of the people we talked to struggled to move on from their past identities and embrace their new selves. This feeling of stuck-ness — a phenomenon we call identity paralysis — often left people feeling angry, frustrated, and hopeless about their current situations.[1]

Changes in identity are normal and to be expected.  We live in a world of constant flux.  However, it is important to embrace those identity traits that best accomplish the plan and purpose God has for our lives (Jer. 29:11).   Why?  Because our identity influences how we live our life!

Our Behavior follows our Identity

Behavior and identity are linked.  In the Old Testament, God continually warned His people to remember who they were and their covenant relationship with Jehovah (Deut. 6:4-9).  God knew that their identification with the wrong things and people would affect their faithfulness.  They would be drawn away from the plan and purpose God had for their life (Deut. 8:11).  The same is true for us today.

In the New Testament, especially in the writings of the Apostle Paul, the Church in its infancy was continually reminded of their “new identity in Christ” (2 Cor. 5:17).  Ministering in countries that didn’t worship God nor honor the teaching of Jesus would be challenging.   Their worldview would be very different, just as it is today in the 21st century (1 John 1:7).

Paul’s exceptional testimony of his previous identity as an Orthodox Jew, speaks to the transforming power of Christ to change our identity.  It is probably the most thorough testimony in Scripture.

Circumcised when I was eight days old, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews [an exemplary Hebrew]; as to the [observance of the] Law, a Pharisee; as to my zeal [for Jewish tradition], a persecutor of the church; and as to righteousness [supposed right living] which [my fellow Jews believe] is in the Law, I proved myself blameless. But whatever former things were gains to me [as I thought then], these things [once regarded as advancements in merit] I have come to consider as loss [absolutely worthless] for the sake of Christ [and the purpose which He has given my life].  (Phil. 3: 5-7, Amplified) 

Paul’s identity changed his behavior and his life forever.  What can we say about Jesus’ entry into our lives and the change it has made in our identity?

Do we know who we are?

Our identity is founded in Christ Jesus.  It has been revealed in both His living Word and reflected in His love for us.  It is based on a firm foundation that is eternal and abides forever (Ep. 1:4).  Jesus has made it possible for us to become partakers of God’s grace and power.  Knowing our identity, we can hold firm our “confession of faith without wavering” (Heb. 10:23).

CAUTION:  If we as believers are unable to accept the identity God has communicated to us, we need to enter a time of prayer and examination as to why we choose not to believe God (choosing rather to believe the lies of Satan, self, and the world).

[1] “When a Major Life Change Upends Your Sense of Self “, Harvard Business Review.

Our Faith Walk: Who Are You? Part 1

Who are you?

Who are you?

In the story, Alice in Wonderland, we are told of a young girl drawn into a world of contradictions and challenges to her way of thinking.  How did it start?  She chased a rabbit with a watch.  In the process, Alice falls into a “proverbial rabbit hole”, entering a new reality that tests everything she claims to believe.  My favorite character is the plump caterpillar who, positioned on a posh pillar, asks of Alice, “Who are you?”

Joseph, being sold into slavery by his brothers, found himself in new and perilous circumstances that challenged his faith and godly beliefs (Genesis 37-39).  Daniel and his comrades, exiled in Babylon where continually tested and dared to “hold fast to their confession of faith”, even at the potential loss of their life (Daniel 1-3).

One of the challenges in living in the 21st century is understanding, “who we are”.   Our identity.  Why is it important?  Who influences the choices we make daily?  There are rabbit holes, temptations, and risks to life we must acknowledge as we continue our walk of faith.  That’s why it’s important that we hold firm to our identity as followers of Jesus Christ.

Who do you identify with?

Identity is the set of characteristics that constitutes individual personality.  It is our essential self and our personal uniqueness.

Our identity is shaped by personal traits, talents, values, and beliefs. External factors such as friends and family, social groups, and cultural heritage also shape who we are.

While identity deals with personal uniqueness, it also describes a person’s sameness with others.  For example, one’s identity may be tied to a particular area (Midwesterner, New Yorker), a certain group (Boomers, Gen-Xers), or a cause (Save the Whales).  It can also be tied to a political affiliation or religious denomination.

Our world is daily challenging us to “choose” who we identify with.  The results are that we, as a society, are experiencing an identity crisis.

Identity crisis, in the psychosocial sense, is a condition of disorientation and role confusion as a result of conflicting pressures and expectations.   Identity crisis seeks a clearer sense of self and acceptable role in society.  Spiritual identity crisis is very similar, in that it occurs because of the conflict exerted from Satan, the world, and self.[1]

Unfortunately, rather than celebrating our God-given uniqueness, the world and Satan is using our identity to polarize us and to weaponize who we are.

Identity and our faith walk.

For believers, our identity is rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus (Col. 2:7).   Through His work of redemption, we have been reconciled to the Father (Rom. 5:10).

Satan challenges our identity in Christ Jesus by first targeting our mind.  He uses as his weapon, lies.  These lies are designed to deceive and discourage.  Satan’s purpose is to make us ignorant of God’s will and plan for our life.

The world also attacks our mind and our body.  It creates an insatiable desire for “all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” (1 John 2:16).

Lastly, self contributes to identity crisis by demanding freedom to exercise its personal will.  The desire to rule self and operate independent of God leads to self-promotion, self-elevation, and selfishness.  Left unchecked, man’s attention shifts from “what God desires” to “what feels right.”

In Christ we are now sons and daughters of God (John 1:12), endowed with a new identity and power.  Through spiritual regeneration (2 Cor. 5:17), we have become partakers of His divine nature, the Holy Spirit, who is daily conforming us to the image of Christ (2 Pet. 1:4).

We must continually be on the watch for social, political, and yes, religious “rabbit holes” that challenge our identity in Christ. Next week, we will continue our discussion on identity and its importance in our faith walk.

[1]   https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/identity-crisis


Preparing for 2024: God Goes Before Us

Year-end 2022 Throwback Wednesday Wednesda

New Year anxieties

In choosing our year-end WordBytes, it was amazing how quickly the teaching for today came to my attention.

This WordBytes was written in 2019, as we entered the world of COVID.  At that time, we had no idea that our lives would be forever changed.  The world as we knew would never be the same.

This WordBytes was also written to address the anxiety we typically experience as we begin planning for the new year.

Are we ready for 2024?

In our text today, Moses is preparing the Israelites for the changes that lie ahead  as they prepare to enter the Promise Land with 2+million people.  Just imagine the heightened anxiety and fear of the people.  But Moses shares with them a promise they could “hang their hat on”.  God will go before them!

It’s been said, “Hindsight is 20/20.”  As we look back over the past year with new COVID variants, political division, wars around the world, and more,  we might ask this question, “Is God still going  before us?”

Assess where we are.

Take a moment and think about how God has intervened on your behalf during this past year.  It’s true that we have experienced many hardships this year. However, regardless of them, we are now planning for a “new year”.

Do you want to know why?  Because God still (even in the 21st century) goes before us.  Whatever circumstance we may face in 2024, know that God is more than able to sustain you through it.  I pray that today’s WordBytes will increase your confidence and trust in the Lord.  Have a blessed and happy new year.


God Goes Before Us

Advent Revisited: God, Time, and Waiting


God, Time, and Waiting

A Time of Waiting

Advent season is a time of waiting.  Waiting by its very definition is challenging.  It is defined as the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or until something else happens.

How well we wait lies not only in what we are waiting for but also who we trust to provide our desired outcome.   That trust is based on the provider’s ability to deliver the outcome.  That’s why as believers, it is important to remember that Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith is worth waiting for.

Godly Waiting

Waiting is a spiritual discipline.  “Godly” waiting is a spiritual discipline that we must cultivate.  As with any discipline, practice makes “progress” (perfection is not always the goal).  Advent is a time in which we should make every effort to expand our capacity to wait.  That increased capacity will strengthen us for the days ahead.

While waiting, we exercise our patience “muscles” and bolster our endurance until we receive what we are waiting for (Heb.10:36).  In our waiting, faith is activated and strengthened.  It is in the waiting that our hope becomes an expectation.  While waiting, our belief and trust become rooted and grounded in the Lord (Ps. 27:13-14).

As we continue our journey through “Advent past”, we will look at waiting from a different perspective:  God’s perspective.


God’s Large Place

God's Large Place


Good morning to you!

Have you ever awakened in the morning and instantly felt overwhelmed by the day?  I mean, have you been totally immobilized so that you’re unable to get out of bed?

We can be sure that it is Satan’s effort to get us off God’s plan and purpose for our lives.  Of course, our flesh also plays a part in this conspiracy.  It is in the morning that the battle for our mind and our spirit begins.

This is the time to connect with the Holy Spirit and the truth found in God’s Word.  This is the moment we can declare, “This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psa. 118:24).

This is the day…

Each day begins with our perception of what lies ahead for us.  Our calendar and day timer contains our commitments.  Our mental and physical state impacts how we receive each new day.  We are mentally challenged with fears, anxiety, depression, attention deficit, even our negative talk.  We may physically “not feel good”.  Seasonal ailments, chronic pain and disease make “jumping out of bed” a real chore.  Getting up in the morning is a complex endeavor.

Read, “Monday Morning Cup” , with Lisa Boone-Reddick

But mornings are simply “a period of time which occurs between sunrise and noon”.  The bigger issue is our ability to manage the stresses, complexities, and demands that arise during our days (and nights).  The challenge is knowing how to successfully navigate the realities of living during these tumultuous and demanding times.

What would happen if we changed our perception of how we operate each day?  How much better would our lives be if we acknowledged the real source of release and contentment?  King David gives us the answer in Psalm 118.

The view from the other side

Psalm 118 is an excellent source of encouragement when we are perplexed with the struggles we face in our lives.  King David probably penned this psalm after he had weathered the battles and challenges to gain full possession of the kingdom to which he had been anointed (1 Sam. 16:13).

In Psalm 118, David acknowledges the struggles but more importantly he witnesses to the presence and favor of God in the midst of those struggles.  David begins and ends this psalm (vv. 1, 29) with praise and recognition of how Israel had made it through its most challenging days.  David’s psalm was a call for all to remember God’s presence, God’s protection, and God’s provision.  It was a time to give thanks for God’s goodness and His mercy.

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord,

for He is good, and

His mercy (lovingkindness) endures forever.

God granted David gracious favor in his distress.  Matthew Henry describes this favor as “vouchsafe”.

God heard his prayer (v. 5): “He answered me with enlargements; he did more for me than I was able to ask; he enlarged my heart in prayer and yet gave more largely than I desired.” He answered me, and set me in a large place, where I had room to bestir myself, room to enjoy myself, and room to thrive; and the large place was the more comfortable because he was brought to it out of distress (Ps. 4:1). [1]

Getting to God’s large place

David’s view “from the other side” (of his rise to power) was the result of his personal relationship and experience with God.  David remembered God’s faithfulness.  He trusted God (vv. 8-9).  This strengthened his belief that God would always be there (vv. 6-7; 17-18). David’s experience of God’s large place would prepare him for what lay ahead as he ruled the great nation of Israel.

We too can enter God’s large place through prayer and receiving His engrafted Word (James 1:21).  We are invited to be intentional in recognizing and accepting God’s providence in our lives.  Whether good or bad, morning or evening, God is always present to see us safely to the other side.  God’s large place can be a place of victory, growth, and freedom.  Let us declare, like David:  Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.

[1] Matthew Henry Commentary, Psalm 118.

Keep Hope Alive: True Hope


Keep Hope Alive: True Hope

Hope and faith

In our first teaching on hope, we shared that hope is included as one of the three theological virtues mentioned in Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth.  “And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three.” (1 Cor. 13:13, KJV).  Our faith becomes a key ingredient with hope and love to offer us peace, guidance, and unwavering hope.  It provides us strength and solace in time of uncertainty.  This is true not because we are “optimistic”, but we believe that God is truly in control regardless of the circumstances we face.

Paul admonished the young Christian converts of Thessalonica (as he does for us today) to arm themselves with these key virtues that will withstand dangers, toils, and strife they might face in this fallen world.  Paul wanted to help believers look not only to their present situation but also to their secure future in eternity.

But let us who live in the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation.  (1 Thess. 5:8, NLT)

The Apostle Peter shared this same message to God’s elect that had been scattered because of persecution.  He encouraged them to persevere in a “lively hope” because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  (1 Peter 1:3).  He told them:  “Gird up the loins of your mind and rest your hope fully upon the GRACE that is revealed at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  (1 Pet. 1:13).  That “revelation” came and still comes through the Holy Spirit.

Hope and the Holy Spirit

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace In believing (as you trust in Him) that you may abound (overflow) in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 15:13)

This verse is a benedictory prayer.  A benedictory prayer is a short blessing given at the conclusion of public worship.  Paul begins by recognizing and acknowledging God as the true source of hope. He then adds that his readers will be filled with joy and peace.  Joy relates to the delight of anticipation and seeing one’s hopes fulfilled. Peace results from the assurance that God will fulfill those hopes. As a result, believers overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. The achievement of all God’s purposes for his children come from the power given by the Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit instills hope in believers by:

    1. Reassurance of God’s Love: The Holy Spirit pours God’s love into the hearts of believers, providing a steadfast foundation for hope. This love is unconditional and everlasting, providing security and assurance even in the face of trials and tribulations. (Rom. 5:5)
    1. Guiding and Strengthening Faith: The Holy Spirit strengthens believers’ faith, enabling them to trust in God’s promises and plans. This faith is the source of hope, as it allows believers to anticipate God’s goodness and believe in the fulfillment of His promises. (Heb. 11:1)
    1. Empowering for Perseverance: The Holy Spirit empowers believers with resilience and perseverance, enabling them to endure challenges and maintain hope amid difficulties. This empowerment allows believers to overcome obstacles and keep moving forward towards God’s purpose. (Gal.5:22-23)
    1. Revealing God’s Plan: The Holy Spirit unveils God’s plan and purpose for believers’ lives, providing a clear direction and motivation for hope. This understanding of God’s plan instills hope for the future, as believers see how their present struggles fit into God’s overarching design. (Eph. 1:17-18)
    1. Interceding in prayer: The Holy Spirit intercedes for believers in prayer, expressing their deepest yearnings and hopes to God. This intercession ensures that believers hopes are aligned with God’s will and that their prayers are heard and answered. (Rom. 8: 26-27).

The Holy Spirit serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path forward and guiding believers toward the fulfillment of God’s promises. Hope, anchored in the Holy Spirit’s presence, becomes a source of strength, resilience, and unwavering faith, enabling believers to navigate the challenges of life with confidence and anticipation of God’s goodness.

Real Hope

For hope to be real in our life, it is important that we are intentional in claiming that which Christ has obtained for us through His sacrificial death and powerful resurrection.  We know that as believers in Christ we live continually in the presence of God who is the great I AM.  It is God who provides us with what we need for the challenges we face (Isa. 43:2).   Want to keep hope alive?  Believe in God!

Keep Hope Alive: The Anatomy of Hope

Keep Hope Alive: The Anatomy of Hope


The Anatomy of Hope

What does hope look like?  What is its structure, composition, or framework?  What is hope made of?

Hope is a combination of desire for something AND the expectation of receiving it.  I’m not talking about “Christmas wishful thinking” but hope that encourages us to embrace the belief that better days are possible.  Hope motivates us to preserve and continue moving forward.  

We chose to create this series on hope because hope is what the world needs most right now.  When we began the series in October, there was no war between Israel and Palestine.  With regards to mass shootings in America, as of October 31, a total of 621 people have been killed and 2,126 other people have been injured in 520 shootings.  Political divisiveness worsens polarizing communities, leaders, and even families. Can hope be kept alive?

What does hope look like?

Is it any wonder that the majority of U.S. adults agree the nations’ future looks bleak?

A majority of adults (62%) disagree with the statement, “our children are going to inherit a better world than we did,” and 63% disagree with the statement, “I feel our country is on the path to being stronger than ever.” More than 3/4 of adults (76%) said that the future of our nation is a significant source of stress in their lives, while 68% said this is the lowest point in our nation’s history that we can remember. 

 Two in three adults (66%) said the culture’s current political climate is a significant source of stress in their lives. Further, three in five adults quote (60%) said that the current social divisiveness in the nation causes them stress. Slightly more than three in five adults 62% reported that the racial climate in the US is a significant source of stress in their lives.[1]

Are these sources of stress going to go away?  Absolutely not!  And these stressors are larger than us and out of our control.  In this environment, we are expected to manage the challenge of daily living and providing for our families–feeding, clothing, and housing.  We search out ways to balance the stresses of life while maintaining healthy relationships, and personal “sanity”.   There enters the need to cultivate our hope because when we cease to hope, we jeopardize our future.

Faith or hope?

How does our faith work with hope?  Can both occupy the same space?  In my reading, I came across a statement that helped me better understand the relationship between the two.  “While faith is a function of the intellect, hope is an act of the will.” [2]  In other words, what we know about God—His goodness, His greatness, and His promises—should cause us to confidently believe God.   Hope moves us forward as we act on our faith in God (Heb. 11:1).

Hope allows us to look beyond what we can see.

Abraham, the Father of Nations, questioned when God would send him an heir, yet Abraham is known to “hope against hope” (Rom. 4:8).  In other words, Abraham did not walk by sight but by faith in what God had promised him.  His hope was built on the promises of God.  Therefore, Abraham persevered.

The Apostle Paul’s faith in Christ (relational) and hope in Christ (motivational) kept him moving forward despite “beatings, in perils, in weariness, and in pain” (2 Cor. 11:23-27).  Paul’s hope of glory moved Him through difficult times to eternity where he looked forward to the day when he would receive the crown of righteousness (2 Tim. 4:8).  Therefore, Paul endured.

Hopelessness and true hope

True hope comes from the One who created hope: God.  It comes by trusting God even when circumstances are difficult. I’ve heard many theologians and teachers disparage believers who struggle with hopelessness.  While their intentions may be good, such belief discounts the fact that we are mere humans.  We need hope, too.  It’s important to remember that we are not perfect, simply saved.  And that is more than enough.

Psalms captured this thought in several of its passages.

For He remembered that they were but flesh, A breath that passes away and does not come again. (Ps. 78:39, NKJV)

For He knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust. Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die. The wind blows, and we are gone as though we had never been here. (Ps. 104:14-16, NLT)

Unless we acknowledge the frailty and fragility of our flesh, we may fail to understand the need for God’s power and presence in our lives.  We must embrace our dependency on God which will solidify our hope.  Can hope be kept alive?  Absolutely!

Trust produces obedience, which produces hope, which results in joy and peace; and that is the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:13). When we walk by faith and trust in God, we can persevere and endure.  We have hope.

[1] Stress in America 2022, American Psychological Association.  

[2]Wikipedia, Hope

Keep Hope Alive: An Introduction



Keep Hope Alive: An Introduction

There is always hope for a better future.

Keep hope alive!  This phrase is most famously associated with Rev. Jesse Jackson, who used it repeatedly in his speeches and sermons during the Civil Rights Movement.

However, the phrase is much older. It has been traced back to at least the 16th century when it was used in religious and philosophical writings.  For example, William Tyndale[1] used the phrase   in his book, “The Pilgrimage of Grace”, where he encouraged his readers not to be overcome by despair.

Over the years, this phrase has been used by activists, artists, athletes, and everyday people to express their belief in the power of hope to overcome adversity. Today “keep hope alive” is still widely used. It is a reminder that even when things are tough, there is always hope for a better future.

Do we need to keep hope alive in the 21st century?  Absolutely!  With the ever-present vulnerability we share as humans in a chaotic world, our lives are forever saturated in the possibility of catastrophe.[2]  Therefore we need hope.  Welcome to our series, “Keep hope alive!”

Hope by any other name

Hope is defined as an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes.  Its synonyms include optimism and anticipation.  The opposite of hope includes hopelessness and despair.

Hope is included as one of the three theological virtues mentioned in Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth.  “And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three.” (1 Cor. 13:13, KJV).  To the church at Thessalonica, Paul acknowledges the saints for “their work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”  (1Thess. 1:3, RSV).

When we use the word hope in casual conversation, we often do so in a doubtful manner.  However biblical hope is never “doubt-filled”.  It is built upon a confident expectation of a future fulfillment based on God’s Word and God’s promises.

Threats to our hope.

As I watched the news this weekend, I was reminded of the challenges we face living in these perilous and tumultuous times.  Wars in Ukraine and Israel.  Gridlock in Congress.  Violence and evil perpetrated upon our communities.  Immorality and filthiness normalized.  What producers thought would be “interesting and important”, only increased my anxiety and threatened my hope.

The writer of Hebrews, however, reminded me that as believers we have a “sure hope” in God through Jesus Christ.  We have hope as “an anchor for our souls, both sure and steadfast.” (Heb. 6:19).

Hope as an anchor of the soul.

Hope will sustain us during difficult times.  The writer of Hebrews depicted hope as an anchor.  It was a familiar object that would illustrate God’s strong attachment to us.  This anchor was “sure and steadfast”.

Sure is interpreted to mean “something that can be relied upon”.  Steadfast continues this thought of God’s hope.  It adds the descriptors of “trustworthy, firm and secure”.   The anchor represents the Object of our faith who is Jesus Christ.  Jesus has secured our position for eternity—past, present, and future.

Hope in God continues to be the message that will sustain us today in these troubling times. Our hope is based on the immutability of His word (Heb. 6:17-18), the certainty of His promise (Rom. 4:16) and the assurance of His presence (Rom. 15:13).  It is this hope that gives us confidence and the ability to persevere.  It is our hope in God that will “keep hope alive.”

[1] (1994-1536) Leading figure in the Protestant Reformation and translator of the Bible into English.

[2] Hope: Why it matters, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, July 16, 2021

Return to Faithfulness



The basics of backsliding.

As a child, I remember our worship services especially the ones with sermons that warned our congregation of the dangers of “backsliding”.  After the minister’s fiery discourse, a few members would approach the “welcoming” altar, many times weeping and repentant.

The word backslide, in a Christian context, implies movement away from Christ rather than toward Him. A backslider is someone who is going the wrong way, spiritually. He is regressing rather than progressing. The backslider had at one time demonstrated a commitment to Christ or maintained a certain standard of behavior, but he has since reverted to old ways.   Backsliding in Hebrew mean “turning away, turning back, or apostasy”.  It infers “defection”—turning away for the wisdom of God (Prov. 1:32) and away from Jehovah—the Covenant Keeping God (Jer. 3:6, 8, 11, 12).

Return to the wisdom of God.

We don’t hear much about backsliding these days.  Perhaps our focus has shifted to the “lost” versus those who “appear to be” in the ark of safety.  But backsliders are as important to God as the unsaved in that backsliding is an indication of the lack of one’s faithfulness to Him.  Faithfulness to God was an important part of the prophets’ proclamations and is central in appreciating Hosea 11.

The Old Testament prophet’s function was to not only herald the warnings of God but to also remind God’s people, Israel, to remain faithful to Him.  Through the prophets, God announced His intentions to enforce the covenant which was always in accordance with categories of blessings and curses already contained in the Law.  Even today, we need to take heed to the prophetic Word of God.  We must remain faithful to Him and if we have “backslidden”, repent, and return to faithfully follow God.

A Prophet’s view of backsliding

In Hosea 11, God speaks to the prophet as one would speak to a close friend and confidant.  God shares with Hosea His history of unbridled favor and goodness to Israel.  The opening verses (vv. 1-3) read like a doting parent, who has poured all their affection and attention upon their child only to receive, in return, opposition and defiance.  God’s “gentle cords and bands of love” (v. 3) only resulted in Israel’s ingratitude and unfaithfulness.

For Israel’s immorality and worship of idols, God’s punishment of Israel would be swift and severe.  Israel’s unfaithfulness would earn God’s judgment and doom.  God’s compassion toward Israel would be the only reason God’s mercy and grace would be extended (Hosea 12:6).  It would, however, call for their faithfulness to God.  

Why do we backslide?

God attributes Israel’s behavior to its “bentness to backsliding.”  This “bentness” is like Paul’s description of “the flesh”—that unredeemed part of man that still exists within believers (Rom. 7: 17-19).  Israel was deaf and disobedient to God’s voice, spoken by Moses and His other prophets. They rebelled and became more resolute in their disobedience; adding to Israel’s injurious behavior, was their failure to exalt God (Hos. 11:7).

The positive ending to what began as a tragic narrative is that despite Israel’s faithlessness, God was faithful. God honored His covenant and extended mercy to Israel with the promise to ultimately restore His covenant people to Himself (vv. 10-11).

Are we guilty of 21st century backsliding?

How similar is Israel’s behavior to that which we find in our nation, in our homes, and in our individual faith walk.  That same “bentness to sin” that tempted Israel still tempts us today to unfaithful behavior. Though delivered from the bondage of sin, we may find ourselves still pursuing those things that feed our fleshly desires and wants (1 John 2:15-17).  Backsliding may manifest itself in several ways, e.g., dropping out of church, losing fervor for the Lord, walking away from a ministry or a family, or falling back into old habits.

It is a great encouragement to our hope in God’s mercies to remember that “God is God”, and not man.  He is the Holy One.  He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and receives us even when we are guilty of backsliding.  God is faithful to His covenant people.  Even in our faithlessness, God remains faithful to us (2 Tim. 2:13).

Return to Our First Love


Return to Our First Love

Do you remember?

Who can forget their first love?  The excitement we felt when that special person entered the room.  The anticipation of seeing them and the connection that was made as eyes met.  The experience of first love, with all its innocence and purity, was never to be repeated—for that is the way of “first things”.

Remember the first time you professed your love for Jesus Christ?  With that experience came the same excitement and anticipation as our first earthly love.  Unlike most first things that eventually lose their luster, it is important for us to make every effort to nurture and cultivate our personal relationship with our First Love, Jesus Christ.

How’s love today?

Are we feeling distant and estranged from God?  Do our prayers appear routine and repetitive?  Is our praise predictable and puny?  If we answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s time for us to examine ourselves (2 Cor. 13:5) and see what is hindering our personal relationship with the Lord.  God never changes (Malachi 3:6) nor has God moved.  Maybe it’s time to return to our first love for Jesus.

The church at Ephesus had persevered and endured hardship for the Lord.  This was a critical part of the early church’s responsibility to insure a clear and true presentation of the gospel (Eph. 4:1-2).  In general, this church had continued in its faithful service to God for more than 40 years.   While all these “efforts” were important in the development of the early church (as it is now), there was something noticeably absent.  They had left their first love for Jesus.

Time to return.

Jesus lays a charge of carelessness in Ephesus’ relationship with Him in Revelations 2:4:  ” Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.”

In the literal translation of today’s text, the order of the words in Greek emphatically denote the strong rebuke directed to the church. “Your first love you have left!”  This second-generation of believers, had retained purity of doctrine but were lacking in deep devotion to Christ.

As believers, we must ask ourselves if we too are careless in cultivating our relationship with the Lord.     Remember the first time we professed our love for Jesus Christ?  With that experience came excitement and anticipation.  Are we now guilty of taking our eyes off the Lord?  Are we more concerned with our personal agendas than practicing the presence of the Holy Spirit?  Have we left our first love?

And what can we say about the Church, Christ’s bride (Rev. 19:7-9)?  The Church needs to heed the same warning given to the Ephesians.  Orthodoxy and service is not enough.  Christ wants hearts as well as our hands and heads (Matt. 22:37).

How can I return?

Last week, we agreed that repentance is the starting point to return to God.  Once this has taken place, we might consider the following strategies to return to His side (1 John 1:3).

Recommit ourselves to Him.   Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? (Rom.  6:16) Recommitment involves renewing your loyalty to Christ and His lordship over your life.  This includes directing your time, talents, and treasures to the service of the Lord.  We are so grateful that there is nothing that can ever separate us from God’s love (Rom. 8:39).

Renew our love for Him.  I will love You, O LORD, my strength (Ps. 18:1).  Tell the Lord how much you love Him.  Although He is all-knowing, He still wants to hear us tell Him how much we adore Him.    We must let Him know that we desire Him with all our heart and soul (Ps. 42:1-2).  Let us show our love for Him through our praise and worship.  We are never closer to Him than when we “love on Him” (Ps. 22:3).

Reprioritize our life around Him.   Christ set the standard for priority when He said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matt.  6: 33).  However, to make God the center of our life is counterculture.  When we place Christ first in our life, we are assured that we have chosen the “Good Part” (Luke 10:42).

It’s time to return to our first love!  He is waiting for us (Isa. 30:15, 18).