Tag Archives: God’s Word

In Search of Peace: What is Peace?


In Search of Peace: What is Peace?

The Pursuit of Peace

With all the chaos in the world, contention in our country, and personal stress in our life, it is no surprise that one of the things people want most but can’t seem to find is peace.  Whether we’re talking about world peace, peaceful relationships, or peace-of-mind, there just never seems to be enough peace.

What is peace?  A biblical counselor asked their patients to work through an exercise which has them lists the qualities and characteristics of peace.  The results with both Christian and non-Christians are to help people understand that, many times, the peace they seek is “situational, temporary, and experiential”.

It (peace) is seen as the absence of conflict or the removal of hinderance to personal happiness. “When I’m not fighting, when I’m appreciated, when I’m happy, when I’m financially secure.”[1]   

What does OUR list look like?  Take a minute and write down what you think peace looks like.

Do we want peace?

Silly question!  Who doesn’t want peace?  Well, of course, Satan doesn’t want it.  Whether it’s peace in the world or peace of mind, Satan loves confusion, conflict, and division.  So do Satan’s followers: “principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness of this world” and “spiritual wickedness in high places”, i.e., political, commercial, social, religious (Eph.6:12).   Before we answer the question of do we want peace, let’s agree on what it is.

What is peace?

A general definition of peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there is no fighting or war, everything co-existing in perfect harmony and freedom.[2]  Is peace a feeling?

Webster adds to this definition by highlighting the “freedom” aspect of peace: “freedom from disturbance, from war, from civil disorder, and even freedom from disputes and dissension between people.”  Is peace based on our circumstances?

I am enjoying this study on peace.  From a biblical perspective, it gives me an opportunity to closely examine the words that were “carefully” chosen by the Holy Spirit to best represent God’s intended meaning of peace.  It becomes a point of spiritual clarity for me.  Whether it is Greek or Hebrew, the word meaning adds to the “precision” I need to know what peace really looks like.

Peace by any other name!

The biblical concept of peace is larger than what we might read in our modern dictionaries. It rests heavily on the Hebrew word root (slm) which means “to be complete” or “to be sound”.  The verb peace conveys the meaning—”to be complete or whole” or “to live well”.  It is from this root that we get the more familiar word, salom or shalom. 

In the Old Testament, this fine distinction of peace can be grouped into four general categories of shalom:

  1. Wholeness of life or body, i.e., health. (Ps. 34:18; 147:3; Jer. 33:6)
  2. Right relationship or harmony between two parties or people, often established by a covenant. (Numbers 25:12-13; Ezek. 34:25-26)
  3. Prosperity, success, or fulfillment (Lev. 26:3-9)
  4. Victory over one’s enemies or absence of war (Isa. 9:6-7)

The New Testament word for peace, eirene, has been greatly influenced by the Hebrew use of shalom.  It occurs in each book of the New Testament.  Eirene originally referred to the orderly, prosperous life that is possible if there is no war.  Only much later did philosophers begin to apply the concept to an inner, personal peace.

In many ways, the two renderings of peace overlap, especially regarding relationships and harmony between people and nations.   It describes:

  1. Harmonious relationships (Luke 14:32)
  2. Freedom from harassment (rest from war) (Luke 11:21; Acts 9:31)
  3. Order, rest, and contentment (Matt.10:13, John 14:27)
  4. Harmonized relationship between God and man (Acts 10:36; Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:14-17)

Shalom is still used in both greetings and farewells.  It is meant to act as a blessing to the one to whom it is spoken.

Where is my peace?

In answer to my earlier question, “do we want peace?”  Of course, we do! So, if we all want peace, why don’t we have it and why is it so elusive?  As stated earlier, many times the peace we seek is situational, temporary, and experiential.  If we base our peace on the things of “this world, our peace is tied to an unstable, ever-changing world (1 John 2: 15-17).

Unfortunately, we often allow this type of peace to dictate our feelings and our emotions.  We may feel safe, secure, and calm; that is until there is a change in circumstances.

Peace may appear to elude us because we don’t know what REAL PEACE looks like.  That is the purpose of this series to better understand what real peace looks like.  Once we have a clear understanding of what it looks like and its true source, we will find shalom as we navigate the tumultuous waters of 21st century living.

May your life be filled with health, prosperity, and victory.

May it be filled with God’s shalom.

[1] The Pursuit of Peace, Samuel Stephens, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, April, 2020

[2] Vocabulary.com

With Eternity in Mind: Myths, Lies, and Misunderstandings, Part 2

Myths, Lies, and Misunderstandings

The Danger of MLMs

Myths, lies, and misunderstandings (MLMs) hinder our ability to accept the reality of life and death.   Since our belief systems influence our behaviors and the choices we make, a misstep or error in belief can have ramifications that, literally, impact us “forever.”  

MLMs, in general, are not biblical.  The enemy offers subtle counterfeits that cause us to either doubt, question or compromise what we know is God’s truth.  Therefore, it is important for believers to compare MLMs with the truth. Truth can be found in God’s Word.

Below are popular MLMs we often hear.  The examples cited are by no means an exhaustive list, but given to provide insight as to some of the erroneous views on heaven and eternity.


Myths are often connected to spirituality or other religious beliefs versus Christian doctrine.  These myths include, for example, the belief that we will be given a second chance to choose where we will spend eternity.

Myths can result in a false sense of spiritual security. We get one chance to make the right choice (Acts 4:12).

Many myths are often tied to what heaven or hell will be like.  

  • Heaven will be a dreamy, floating existence in the clouds.

Heaven is the place where we will continue to serve the Lord (Rev.7:14-15). Just as Adam was given charge of the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:15), we will fulfill the God-glorifying, personally fulfilling work that was part of God’s original plan for our life.  

  • Hell is a place where there’s always a good time and party. 

Hell was initially designed to house Satan and those fallen angels that participated in open rebellion against God in heaven (Isa. 14:12-15). While hell was not originally created for human beings, it is now available for those who reject Christ.

People who joke about wanting to go to hell is so much foolishness.  There will be no partying in hell only darkness, weeping, and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 8:12; 13:42) .  


Lies are the most dangerous MLM.  Why?  Because our belief in them can result in our being in a place we don’t want to be for eternity.  There will be  no “do-overs”. The following are the most frequently cited and the most deadly lies.  These are Satan’s favorites.

  •  There is no heaven nor hell. 

God’s Word tells us that there is a heaven and a hell.  And every word of God is “yes and amen.” (2 Cor.1:20)    

JESUS SAID He was going to prepare a place for us (John 14:2).  We know that when “our tabernacle is dissolved we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in heaven.”  (2 Cor. 5:1)

Hell is real (Matt. 25:41, 46).  It is a place of eternal punishment. There are two popular views that attempt to negate the reality of hell.  One teaches that unbelievers are not punished after death.  They simply cease to exist (annihilation).  The other proposes that because God is good and loving, He would never condemn anyone to a place of eternal torment (universalism).  

God doesn’t send people to hell.  People send themselves to hell by declining Jesus’ offer of salvation.  

  •  All roads lead to heaven.  

While this may be a very popular view, the Bible teaches that the only way a person can go to heaven is on “God’s terms”.  He has made His terms very clear in His inherent Word and by Jesus Himself.

“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, He cannot see the kingdom of God.”  (John 3:3)

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  (John 3:16) 

  “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me”. (John 14:6)   

Salvation is found in no one else but Jesus (Acts 4:12). Anyone who teaches any other way to salvation is in danger of damnation (Gal. 1:6-9).


Misunderstandings are often the results of incomplete or incorrect information.  While they are the most benign of the MLMs, it is still important to seek out reliable and accurate information about eternity. Acceptance of correct information, of course, is dependent on our willingness to change our view (Prov. 2:6).

  • God is responsible for death.  

Well-intentioned people console loved ones at the death of a family member with statements such as,  “God wanted them with Him.” “They’re in a better place.” “God knows what He’s doing.” 

They ascribe death to God. In reality, death is the result of man’s sin in the Garden of Eden. It is a guarantee we will all die.  The best way to be with family in eternity is to receive Jesus as Savior.

  • We will worship God in a tabernacle in heaven.  

The tabernacle of the Old Testament and the church structure today provide a physical place to worship God.  

However there is need for neither in heaven because we will live in God’s presence.   The object of our worship, God, will be with us throughout eternity.  We will freely worship God continuously (Rev. 21:3,22).  

The True Beauty of Eternity 

Our understanding of eternity influences all that we do today.  It becomes the filter by which we evaluate how we spend our time; what we focus on: where we place our priorities.

Eternity, most importantly, is where we will spend forever with Jesus.  Our relationship will never be interrupted by our busy schedule, our unconfessed  sin, or the enemies’ firey darts aimed against our faith.

Tony Evans in his book, Eternity:  Understanding Life After Death, shares his thoughts on our relationship with our Savior in eternity.

Before we get too excited about heaven, Jesus wants us to get excited about being with him first. Being with Jesus and face to face fellowship for all eternity is what will make heaven so heavenly. All the beauty of heaven is really just the backdrop, the scenery, for our eternal relationship with Christ. The central thing of heaven is that we will see our Savior, face-to-face, and be with him for eternity.

Next week we will close our series on eternity with “Where do we go from here?

With Eternity in Mind: Begin with the End in Mind


What are we looking for?

In understanding what eternity is and its importance to us, we must “begin with the end in mind”.  What do we want to know about eternity?  Why does it matter?   All of us have a differing view as to what eternity is and what it isn’t.

The reality is this, as human beings, we will continue our existence even after death in eternity. The question is, which of the eternal lives will we experience? Will we experience joy and peace forever more with Jesus or will our eternal life consist of judgment, fire, and flames.  The choice is ours to make.

That’s why it’s so important that we begin with the end in mind.  To gain a better understanding of eternity, let’s begin with some important definitions. Key to understanding the biblical meaning of these terms is the Bible’s use of the word “eternal”.

Eternity by any other name

Eternal, eternity, eternal/everlasting life.  There are many variations of the word eternal used to describe eternity.  We will begin with some basic definitions to help us with our study.

“Eternal or everlasting” is an adjective used to describe a state of being “without end”.  It is used, for example, to describe the Trinity (Ps. 90:2; Prov. 8:23; Heb. 9:14)

Eternal can be applied to God’s attributes.  For example, His power (Eccl. 12:5), His righteousness (Ps. 119:142, 144), and His love (Jer. 31:3).   They endure without end!  As long as God exists, so do His eternal attributes.

In the Bible, eternal is also used to describe both believers (John 3:15; Eph. 3:11) and the wicked (Mark 3:29; Matt. 25:46).

“Eternity” is “time without end”.  It is the duration of God’s dealings with His people in times past, now, and always.  God has always been involved in the lives of His people and reveal Himself through various means (Heb. 1:1-2).

Eternity also includes a coming age from which evil will be banished and where God will reign in glory.  Quite different from the current world order.  

“Eternal/everlasting life” has been defined as the divinely bestowed gift of blessedness in God’s presence that endures without end.[1]  This relates not only to the quality of life in this age, but also to both the quality and duration of life in the age to come.   

We often limit eternal/everlasting life to life after death and heaven.  But eternal life is much more.  We will explore this aspect of eternal life later in this series.

Eternity in our hearts

To answer the question “why do we want to know about eternity”, I offer you this answer provided by King Solomon who wrote in Ecclesiastes 3: 11, “God has set eternity in the human heart”.

In every human soul is a God-given awareness that there is something more than this transient world and with that awareness of eternity comes a hope that we will one day find a fulfillment not afforded by the vanity in this world.  

We possess an innate knowledge that there is something more to life than what we can see and experience in the here and now. Through all the abs and downs of life, we have a glimpse of stability—God has “set eternity in the human heart.”  We have a divinely implanted awareness that the soul lives forever. This world is not our home.  [2]    

Eternity and Knowing God

Eternal, eternity, everlasting life.  We have heard these words used in various contexts and in a multitude of religious venues.  However, unless we intentionally focus on its importance to our spiritual welfare, eternity will remain nothing more than theological jargon we hear on Sunday morning.

Jesus prayed in John 17:1-3 (NLT):

Jesus looked up to heaven and said, “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son so he can give glory back to you. For you have given him authority over everyone. He gives eternal life to each one you have given him.  And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.

To know the true God and His Son Jesus Christ, it is important that we understand eternity. Next week we will continue our study by exploring eternal life.  What is it?  When does it begin?

[1] Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary

[2] Got Questions, “What does it mean that we have eternity in our hearts?”

Are You the One? Part 2

Are You the One? Part 2

Expectations, doubts, and belief

John the Baptist had specific expectations that caused him to question the identity of Jesus.   After witnessing the messianic miracles performed by Jesus, John’s disciples could confidently report to John that their doubts were unwarranted (Matt. 11:5).

Jesus was the One, the promised Messiah spoken of by Old Testament prophets.

Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations . . . He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. (Isa. 42:1,4).   

What are our expectations of Jesus?  Like John the Baptist, do we expect Him to solve all the problems we are witnessing during these difficult times?   Why doesn’t God defend and save the oppressed?   Is Jesus the One for 21st century living?

What will it take for us to place our confidence in Jesus knowing He “will not put us to shame” ? (Rom. 5:5).  What will it take for us to believe?

Belief or miracle?

The Gospel texts record many who came to believe Jesus’ identity after seeing Him perform many miracles.  After the feeding of the five thousand, when the people saw Jesus do this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting.” (John 6:14)

The miracles which Christ wrought did clearly demonstrate that He (Jesus) was the Messiah promised, a teacher come from God, the great prophet, and could not but convince the amazed spectators that this was He that should come.

There were many who were convinced He was that prophet that should come into the world who yet did not cordially receive his doctrine, for they did not continue in it.

Such a wretched incoherence and inconsistency there is between the faculties of the corrupt and unsanctified soul, that it is possible for men to acknowledge that Christ is that prophet, and yet to turn a deaf ear to him.[1]

There are many today who find it difficult to believe in Jesus unless they see an accompanying miracle with it.  Many acknowledge “the hand of God” when a favorite athlete recovers miraculously from a life-threatening health incident or disease.  Or when children buried under tons of concrete from an earthquake are miraculously found alive.  Even nonbelievers recognize God’s mercy and grace in the context of a miracle.  But the real opportunity is to see Jesus as the One, even in the absence of a recognizable miracle.

Realizations versus expectations

What are our expectations of Jesus?  Like John the Baptist, do we expect Him to solve all the problems we are witnessing during these difficult times?   Like the crowds that followed Him, do we expect Jesus to perform miracles that address our human needs?

The realization is this.  Jesus still does those things and much more. But instead of the miracles we saw in the 1st century, we are able to experience them in a different form.  Now we can realize them in the blessing and the promises of God that are available to us through being in Christ (Eph. 1:3-17).

The realization is this.  God created heaven and earth (Gen. 1:1).  Even today, God sustains the world’s existence (Heb. 1:3; Acts 17:28).  God never changes.  Neither is the way He accomplishes His work.  God could, if He so desired, speak a word and what He speaks becomes reality (Ps. 33:6-9).  Jesus could, if He desired, fix every problem, supply every need, right every injustice, and heal every disease on the face of the earth.  But then we’d have a problem.  Why would Jesus need us?

We have an opportunity to partner with Jesus in continuing His work (John 14:12).  Through His Holy Spirit, we can be His hands that reach into this fallen world to heal the sick, feed the hungry, and even right the injustices we see.  We can do it through our direct efforts, through advocacy, or through our financial gifts.

Is Jesus the One for 21st century living?

Yes.  Next week we’ll discuss why.

[1] Matthew Henry Commentary, John 6

Making a Fresh Start

Opportunities and challenges

Happy New Year!  With this new year comes both opportunities and challenges. More importantly, comes our chance to receive exceeding great and precious promises through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord (2 Pet. 1: 2, 4).

To begin this year, WordBytes will launch a new series entitled The Clarion Word Classics.

The word “clarion” comes from the Latin word claru or ‘clear’.  Used as an adjective, it means ‘loud and clear’.   Our intent with this quarterly series is to make “loud and clear” what is ours in Christ and as children of God (Rom. 8:17).

Making a Fresh Start

Throughout 2023, we will share faith writings from key theologians who will strengthen and enrich our spiritual lives and faith walk.  This includes such sage theologians and writers such as J.I. Packer, Oswald Chambers, and C.S. Lewis.

We will also introduce contemporary writers who express spiritual answers to the challenges of 21st century living.  This includes such authors as Priscilla Shirer, Alistair Begg, John Piper, and black theologian, Bruce L. Fields.

To begin the Clarion Word Classics, we introduce F.B. Meyer (a favorite of mine).  His devotion for the new year is entitled, Making a Fresh Start.”  Meyer infuses scripture throughout his writings.  See if you can find them within the text.

How to Untangle a Knot

How to Untangle a Knot

Tangled stories

Jesus was “never without a story”.  He used them to help His audience gain a greater understanding of God and to resolve real-life problems.  The Apostle Mark describes this as “sorting out tangles” and “untying knots.”

When He was alone with His Disciples, Jesus went over everything, sorting out the tangles, untying the knots.  Mark 4:34 (The Message)

Today we will examine the benefit of listening to God’s voice through His Word to sort out the tangles and knots in our life.

Learning to sort out my tangles

Have you ever been faced with a knotted shoe lace or tangled necklace?  It can be frustrating trying to find the biggest knot that will result in the ultimate resolution to your problem.  Knots can impede the full use and benefit of our possessions or abilities,  i.e., knots in a tie or tangled chords of a wind chime.

How did we learn to untangle and untie knots?  While I can’t remember my “first knot” or most “frustrating tangle”, I do recall that if I had problems with either of these, my mother was always there to help me based on two things:  First, I had to realize my limitations—I was unable to resolve this challenge on my own.  Secondarily, I had to trust her–she was both available and able to help me with my problem.

Life is full of knots and tangles

Our world is full of knots and tangles.  The challenges of life appear to be “insurmountable messes” which we are unable to resolve.

  • Life cycle knots—work, family, and relationships.
  • Personal tangles—financial challenges, health problems, dying and death.
  • Societal snarls—turmoil, instability, and uncertainty.

Some knots and tangles are the natural result of living in a fallen world; others may be of our own creation. What is the answer to these kinks and twists of living?  How are we to manage these real situations in our lives?

The World and Life Knots

The world offers futile solutions to life’s knots and tangles.  It suggests resolution through substances (alcohol, drugs, and food), through systems (affiliations, power, and influence) and through stuff (materialism and riches) (1 John 2:15-17).

These answers are temporary and subject to change (2 Cor. 4:18). However, God’s Word is eternal and provides needed insight into His nature and the realities of life, inviting believers to trust, peace, and contentment (Ps. 37:1-6, 23-27).

It’s In the Word  

There’s an old gospel song entitled, It’s All in the Word that retorts:  “The answer to your problems, if you haven’t heard…it’s all in the Word.”

For those who are willing to listen to Jesus’ voice, there are many promises and privileges (John 10:27).  As we connect to God through His Word and the Holy Spirit, we have access to wisdom and knowledge so desperately needed to navigate these perilous times (Eph. 1: 8).

The Psalmist put it more eloquently in saying “God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path”.  God’s close proximity keep us from stumbling.  It is also broad and sufficient to protect us from potential danger and pitfalls (Ps. 119:105).  Psalm 19:7-11 speaks to the great worth of God’s Word.  “Warning and reward” are key benefits in embracing God’s Word.

What about my knots?

God may not choose to always remove the knots and tangles in our  life.  Some knots and tangles are needed to mature and strengthen us.  They help us when we choose to be “trained” by them (Hebrews 12:11).

However, we can always depend on God to be available and ready to help us “find the big loops” (John 16:33).  Jesus is ready to help us  with the tangles and knots of our life.  What are the things that you’ve been unable to resolve?  Draw near to Him who is willing and able to help.

When Life Happens


When Life Happens

How was your day?

You rush to the bank to make that critical deposit on Friday afternoon.  Your watch shows you have five minutes before closing.  As you pull up to the bank window; instead of the teller, you see the “closed” sign.  Your watch evidently was running slower than you knew.  Life happens!

You go for your annual mammogram examination.  The technician finishes with a smile and a promise to be right back.  She leaves to share your pictures with the attending physician.  She returns and somberly informs you that after dressing, the physician would like to meet with you.  Life happens!

Majoring in misfortune?

From minor irritations to upsetting reports, life happens.  These interruptions catch us unprepared for the inevitable. They are unexpected and usually, unfavorable circumstances that come to take “the wind out of our proverbial sail.”

In Ecclesiastes 9:11, The Preacher (King Solomon) makes the assessment that regardless of personal capacity or ability—speed, strength, wisdom, cleverness or skill, life happens.

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

He uses two words, time and chance, to create a figure of speech that represents “life happens moments”—we call it misfortune      (Ecc. 9:11b).  Misfortune nullifies both personal capacity and ability.  No one is exempt from misfortune.  We all have our day when it gains our full attention.

What is our response?

What is our response to misfortune?  “Why me?” We try to do the right thing, make the appropriate preparation, and make the best choices based on “what we know at the time.” So what happened? Life happened.

As inhabitants of fallen world, we are not immune to the affects and experiences which life presents. But while believers live “in the world”, we do not have to respond as the world when life happen moments occur.

A better way!

I’d like to recommend 3R’s that will help us manage life’s misfortune.

#1. REMEMBER our position. We are not our misfortune. Our hope and security lies in our position in Christ Jesus. In Christ, we are heirs of God and therefore, the object of His love. Therefore, in spite of misfortune, we stand firm on God’s promises and His power (Eph. 1:19).

#2. REFRAME our situation. We are not blind to misfortune but we know who controls all circumstances. Nothing happens to us that does not first pass God’s examination. Reframing begins with accepting God’s sovereign rule over our lives (2 Cor. 4:8-9).

#3. RECAST our response.  Recasting is accomplished by trusting God and looking for ways to transform misfortune into opportunities that enrich our spiritual life. These opportunities may be more time in personal witnessing, intercessory prayer, fasting, and Bible meditation.    We respond with confidence times of misfortune because we are assured of who will be with us until the end (1 John 4:4).

Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to memory a time when “life happened” to you.  How did you respond?  Using the three (3) principles listed in today’s teaching, journal how that moment or situation can now be understood differently.  Feel free to share your thoughts.

The next time you have a “life happens moment”, read Ecclesiastes 9:11. Better yet, commit to memorizing this scripture for future reference. Why? Because life happens!

Two Boats and a Helicopter


Two boats and a helicopter

The choices we make

I’m sure you have heard the story about the man who faced imminent danger as a result of a flood that begun to ravage his community.  The flood waters became higher, forcing him to retreat to the roof of his house.  On two occasions, individuals in boats beckoned him to climb into their boats and save his life.  But he refused and shouted back from his roof, “I’m a Christian! God will save me!”

Finally, the waters rose to the edge of the roof.  Suddenly a helicopter appeared and begged the man to grab the dropped latter and be saved.  Well, you know what happened!  The man refused and ultimately died.  When he entered heaven, he demanded to see God.  “Why did you let me drown?”  Instead of striking him down with a lightening bolt, God calmly replied, “Hey, I sent you two boats and a helicopter.”

As we face the challenges and problems in our life, we often fail to watch and follow the leads that God sends us.  Many of these are given to us before we enter our trial.  However, when we’re in that dire situation, so is God!  God is there AND He wants us to use the resources He has provided for us.  Such was the case with Moses as he faced his first hurdle upon leaving Egypt for the Promise Land (Exodus 14).

After Moses and the Israelites left Egypt, Pharoah had “seller remorse”.  God hardened his heart and caused him to regret letting the Israelite slaves leave (S).  He probably felt like he had been duped.  Who would do the work that the Israelites did?  Egypt’s economy would probably suffer, not to mention their quality of life—who would cook, clean, and serve them?   So much for Pharoah right now, let’s return to Moses’ dilemma.

The dilemma

As Pharoah and his army approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the Lord. They said to Moses, “Weren’t there enough graves in Egypt that you brought us out here to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt?”

The complaints escalated.  Moses tried to reassure the Israelites that everything would be alright.  He tried to coach them to “stand firm” and “be still”.  God would fight for them! (Exod. 14:13-14).  Moses told them that they would see the salvation of the LORD on that day.  But all they could see were Egyptians bringing up the rear fast.  They could not see God!

As I read this passage, I saw myself when facing hard times and challenges.  I tend to see only what I can look at with my physical eyes—loss of health, injustice, change in relationships, economic uncertainty.

It’s even harder for me to “be still”.  I need to fix this situation and now.  I see only me standing before the Red Sea.  But all is not loss—I’ll tell you why in a few.  Back to Moses.

“Any old help will do.”

I’m sure Moses cried to God.  Exactly what he said is not included in the scripture text.  But the Lord used this moment to speak directly to Moses.  Was God going to tell him that help was on the way?  Was He sending two boats and a helicopter?

The Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward” (Exod. 14:15).

Moses probably thought, “Really?  Red Sea before me and Egyptians behind me.”  Sometimes when we pray, God’s answers don’t always make sense to us at first. But that’s where our faith in God—His greatness and His goodness—reinforces the need to obey His instructions (Heb. 11:1).

God gave Moses an answer he didn’t expect: “Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.” (Exod. 14:16)  

Moses had the answer to His dilemma “right in his hand” PLUS the power of God.  Moses and his staff would be the conduit God would use to not only deliver the Israelites but also glorify God.  This act of deliverance would spread throughout the countryside including to the potential tribes in the Promise Land whom the Israelites would need to conquer (Exod. 14:18).

When you need help…

From this study, I came to the following conclusions about what to do when I need help.

    1. Assess what I currently have available to address my problem. I will not only inventory what I have with my “physical eyes” (my mind and my intellect) but also with my “spiritual eyes”.  When I read God’s Word, especially His promises and follow that with prayer, I can expect God to show me what to do.  I have learned that God’s ways, methods, and timing are not the same as mine (Is. 55:8-9).  THEY ARE BETTER!
    1. “Lift up to God” the resources He has already provided for my solution. Moses failed to remember that God had told him that He would go with him on the journey to the Promised Land. He had forgotten how God used Moses’ staff in the court of Pharoah (Exod. 4:3).  Sometimes I refuse to move forward until I have “all the information and answers”.  When that happens, it is important for me to call to remembrance (Is. 46:9,10) where God has stepped in to join me in my battles (2 Chron. 20:6-7, 12).
    1. Move forward. I am still learning each day to move forward when directed by God.  I guess it’s part of being human.  I am learning to move “more quickly” when God directs me and learning to trust Him more.

In my moments of prayer and meditation, I ask God to show me those areas of my life where I sin by being prideful or self-reliant.  He uses that time together to gently redirect my attention away from my problems and look to Him.  God is greater than any problem we may face and better equipped to solve them.  Only God can guarantee our success!

When God created us, He not only placed His purpose within us but also placed the ability to complete that purpose (Phil. 1:6).  As God prepares our path, He also prepares us for the path.  It is our responsibility to believe, to trust, and then obey.


The next time you need help, deliverance, or an answer for life’s challenges, don’t always look for a miracle from God.  He doesn’t need to come to our rescue.  God is always with us.  We daily live not in God’s miracles but by His lovingkindness and grace.  He is there to help us see the resources He has already provided for our escape (Eph. 1:17-20).

Prayer:  O Heavenly Father, grow within us the faith we need for the challenges we face.  Train us to look at our problems as opportunities to partner with You in their resolution.  Forgive us when we lean on our own understanding.  Place in our heart an expectation that You are with us and will always act on our behalf.  Lord, finally, help us to “Go forward” in Your name and by Your power.   Amen

A New Thing for 2022

Is it time to do a new thing?  Can we maintain status quo in the wake of the coronavirus, a shrinking economy, and social unrest?   These realities have changed each of our lives.  This new normal appears to be here for the long haul dictating our daily routine and our future plans.    Is it time to change?

It is human nature to resist change.  Change is hard especially if it is the result of something we had no say in.  As we attempt to move to some sense of normalcy in this nation, we are being asked to do something new.

“Hell no!  We won’t go!”

Local and state mandates have been issued in order to guard public health.  These instructions are not only being challenged but most often totally disregarded.  This is especially true among our young people.  I wonder who they learned that from.  Even when we’re told lives can be saved and the economy restored, we refuse to change.   Is it time to do a new thing?

From the hallways of our state Capitols to local school board meetings, resistance is seen as a rallying cry and badge of honor.  But is it?  Or is it really evidence of our inability to accept change?  Is resistance to exercising safe distance, wearing masks, and avoiding large crowds symptomatic of our unwillingness to do a new thing?   

God’s “new thing”

In the Old Testament, the use of “new thing” is cited in only three (3) texts:  Isaiah 43:19, Numbers 16:30, and Jeremiah 31:22.  Here they describe situations where God’s greatness and sovereignty is on display.  God invites man to join Him in accomplishing His divine purpose.

I will not conclude that the challenges we face are part of God’s divine purpose.  I do believe, however, that God throughout man’s history continually exercises His sovereignty and His authority.  This time in history, 2020, was viewed long before today.  God saw it from eternity (Is. 46:9-10).  Pandemics, politics, and problems in this world never catch God by surprise.

In the New Testament this concept of a “new thing” was manifested in the fulfillment of the Messiah who came to save us and to restore man to God’s original purpose. God was unable to fulfill His purpose through families, tribes or kings; through prophets, mediators or priests.  God brought salvation to earth through Jesus Christ—“God’s new thing”.

God’s new thing resulted in:

  •     The Kingdom of God coming to earth. (Matt. 4:17)
  •     Mercy, grace, and truth. (Ps. 85:10)
  •     Man becoming a “new creation”.  (2 Cor. 5:17)
  •     Freedom from the penalty and power of sin.  (Rom. 8:1)

God’s new things always result in our good and His glory.   As we seek stability during these tumultuous times, know that God is more than able to sustain and keep us (Ps. 46:1-3; 7-10).

Things are changing

As we move through the challenges we face as a nation, know that God is still doing new things.  The world we knew a year ago has changed.  The life we cherished 6 months ago will never return.  Our reality this week may be different than it was last week.  Things are changing.  How can we prepare for change—the new thing?

  • Trust God—believe in His ability and willingness to guide us to a new thing.
  • Position yourself to hear God—pray and read His Word.
  • Look for areas needing change in your life—be honest.
  • Identify and confess sin in your life—what’s interfering with God’s new thing?
But God

God is the key to change.  Most importantly, God can do a “new thing” even in the midst of change.  This includes COVID-19, financial downturns, and social injustices.  He invites us to join Him as we do a “new thing.”  When we trust God with our life, we can look forward with purpose and not fear (Jer. 29:11).

Praying with Purpose: Praying with Confidence

Praying with Confidence Our Prayers

As we stated earlier, prayer is the connector that releases God’s grace, promises, and power into the physical world.  As Oswald Chambers declared prayer is the “greater work” God has given us to do.

Regardless of the type of prayer we engage in—supplication, intercession, or deliverance—we understand the source of our prayers’ power.  The power does not come from us but from God.  Therefore we can have confidence when we pray.

Confidence builders

Our confidence in God dictates our response to the circumstances in the world and in our lives.  More importantly, it shapes our prayers to the Father.   We pray with confidence because we…

    • Acknowledge our REALITY. Our view of life looks different than the rest of the world.  It is based on the fact that God is sovereign and all-powerful (Ps. 97:1-6).

As citizens of God’s kingdom, we live in the presence of, under the authority of, and to the honor and glory of God.  Therefore, we operate according to His Word and under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Our reality generates prayers of trust and hope as we face the uncertainties and pressures of 21st century living.

    • Walk in our IDENTITY. Our identity is based on who we are “in Christ”.

In Christ we have been adopted as children of God and have access to spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3) and exceeding great and precious promises that by these we might be partakers of God’s divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4).  This includes God’s power within us through the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Our identity gives us continuous access to the throne of grace.  Therefore, our prayers have priority.  We are invited to come boldly to God for whatever we need (Heb. 4:16).

    • Honor God’s PURPOSE. Jesus often reminded others that He came to fulfill the purpose of His heavenly Father (John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38). God’s purpose for our lives has been identified from the foundations of the world (2 Tim. 1:9).

It is the believer’s great honor to live out that purpose in both our life and through the circumstances God has placed before us.  All things are for God’s glory and our good.

Praying with confidence

As we strive to expand our prayer capacity, it is important that we pray with confidence.  This confidence will lead us to greater faith and belief.  The result will be more of God’s will realized in our lives and in the world.

We close with the Apostle John’s final words to believers concerned with the challenges to their faith and belief in Jesus Christ.  It deals specifically with the certainties of our faith.  Whether certainties or confidence, the result is the same–belief that God sees us, hears our cries, and will be with us.

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.      1 John 5:14-15

Meditate on these verses and listen as God speaks to your heart.  Then pray the verses replacing the nouns with your name.  Let God’s Word speak “confidence” into your spirit.