Tag Archives: Biblical truth

Jesus: The One for the 21st Century

Jesus: The One for the 21st Century

Is Jesus the One?

Yes, He is! I say that not based on my feelings or opinion but on what God has said about Who He is and how He operates in this fallen world.  I continue to use the phrase, “fallen world” to direct our attention to the condition that has led us to the pain and suffering we are experiencing in the world.  And that condition is sin.

It is easy to wonder why God isn’t more active in resolving the difficulties we face in our world.  Know this!  God cares and engages in every aspect of our lives (Matt. 10:29-31).  However, man’s “free will” allows him to choose those things that, many times, are outside God’s will and not in the best interest of others (which includes the world).

As we discussed last week, we often look to God to “zap the bad” and make it disappear.  Unfortunately, that isn’t how it works in a fallen world.  That’s why it is valuable to draw near to God (James 4:8) so that we can better understand His ways and His works.   When we do that, we can begin to understand why Jesus is the One.

What are our options?

So what have been our “options” to address the challenges of 21st century living?  We’ve tried to legislate, to mandate, and to regulate, just to name a few.  New beliefs, creeds, and convictions, offer no long-term solution to the various world crises we face.  No person, political platform, nor social movement has moved us closer to “the good life”, harmony or peace.  These are not the right solutions for our sin problem.

Why not choose Jesus?  Choose Him not for solving all the problems we experience during difficult time.  Nor for miracles Jesus can perform to address our human needs.  But choose Jesus because He is the One.  He is the One God has ordained to address the issue of sin and to give us life—life now and life in eternity.

Jesus knew.

Jesus knew He was the One.  As He arrived in Nazareth, He entered the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood up to read (Luke 4:16-21).  He read from the Old Testament book of Isaiah that prophesied of the abundant life that would be available to those who would believe and follow the promised Messiah (Isa. 61:1-2).

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,

Because He has anointed Me

To preach the gospel to the poor;

He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty to the captives

And recovery of sight to the blind,

To set at liberty those who are oppressed;

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” 

Jesus concluded His reading with a statement meant to remove any doubt as to who He was (Luke 4:21).

“Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Jesus was the promised Messiah. Jesus was the One.

Recognizing The One

In our humanity, we are continually looking for someone or something to manage the challenges we face.  In God’s economy, believers understand that Jesus is The One.

  • Who better to guide us and to help us through the challenges that lie ahead than The One who is omniscient? The all-knowing One who can see today, tomorrow and into eternity.
  • Who better to protect us than the one who is omnipotent? All powerful. Not like the impotent idols we think will secure our life: wealth, status, or relationships.  All these and more, we foolishly depend on to make us feel safe and secure.
  • Who better to provide for both our spiritual and physical needs than the One who is omnipresent—”everywhere present”. Where can we go that Jesus is not with us? (Ps. 139:7-10)

Jesus is the great I Am.  Bread of life (John 6:35).  Light (John 8:12).  The Door (John 10:9).  The Good Shepherd (John 10:11, 14).  Resurrection and Life (John 11:25).  The Way, Truth, and Life (John 14:6). The Vine (John 15:1, 5).

Jesus is the One!  He is the One we need for the challenges of 21st century living. He is the Only One.

Are You the One? Part 2

Are You the One? Part 2

Expectations, doubts, and belief

John the Baptist had specific expectations that caused him to question the identity of Jesus.   After witnessing the messianic miracles performed by Jesus, John’s disciples could confidently report to John that their doubts were unwarranted (Matt. 11:5).

Jesus was the One, the promised Messiah spoken of by Old Testament prophets.

Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations . . . He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. (Isa. 42:1,4).   

What are our expectations of Jesus?  Like John the Baptist, do we expect Him to solve all the problems we are witnessing during these difficult times?   Why doesn’t God defend and save the oppressed?   Is Jesus the One for 21st century living?

What will it take for us to place our confidence in Jesus knowing He “will not put us to shame” ? (Rom. 5:5).  What will it take for us to believe?

Belief or miracle?

The Gospel texts record many who came to believe Jesus’ identity after seeing Him perform many miracles.  After the feeding of the five thousand, when the people saw Jesus do this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, “Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting.” (John 6:14)

The miracles which Christ wrought did clearly demonstrate that He (Jesus) was the Messiah promised, a teacher come from God, the great prophet, and could not but convince the amazed spectators that this was He that should come.

There were many who were convinced He was that prophet that should come into the world who yet did not cordially receive his doctrine, for they did not continue in it.

Such a wretched incoherence and inconsistency there is between the faculties of the corrupt and unsanctified soul, that it is possible for men to acknowledge that Christ is that prophet, and yet to turn a deaf ear to him.[1]

There are many today who find it difficult to believe in Jesus unless they see an accompanying miracle with it.  Many acknowledge “the hand of God” when a favorite athlete recovers miraculously from a life-threatening health incident or disease.  Or when children buried under tons of concrete from an earthquake are miraculously found alive.  Even nonbelievers recognize God’s mercy and grace in the context of a miracle.  But the real opportunity is to see Jesus as the One, even in the absence of a recognizable miracle.

Realizations versus expectations

What are our expectations of Jesus?  Like John the Baptist, do we expect Him to solve all the problems we are witnessing during these difficult times?   Like the crowds that followed Him, do we expect Jesus to perform miracles that address our human needs?

The realization is this.  Jesus still does those things and much more. But instead of the miracles we saw in the 1st century, we are able to experience them in a different form.  Now we can realize them in the blessing and the promises of God that are available to us through being in Christ (Eph. 1:3-17).

The realization is this.  God created heaven and earth (Gen. 1:1).  Even today, God sustains the world’s existence (Heb. 1:3; Acts 17:28).  God never changes.  Neither is the way He accomplishes His work.  God could, if He so desired, speak a word and what He speaks becomes reality (Ps. 33:6-9).  Jesus could, if He desired, fix every problem, supply every need, right every injustice, and heal every disease on the face of the earth.  But then we’d have a problem.  Why would Jesus need us?

We have an opportunity to partner with Jesus in continuing His work (John 14:12).  Through His Holy Spirit, we can be His hands that reach into this fallen world to heal the sick, feed the hungry, and even right the injustices we see.  We can do it through our direct efforts, through advocacy, or through our financial gifts.

Is Jesus the One for 21st century living?

Yes.  Next week we’ll discuss why.

[1] Matthew Henry Commentary, John 6

Am I Compassionate?


Am I compassionate?

Ask me a question…I’ll tell you no lie.

This series on compassion was inspired by a question someone asked me.  “Do you think I’m compassionate?”  My first thought was, “why are you asking me this question?” Had I bored them with sharing the rigors of my last six-months including the death of my only sister?  Had they been overwhelmed with the traumatic events rehearsed continually on the evening news and social media?

I didn’t have an answer.   However, I thought it admirable that they cared enough to ask the question.

Do you think I’m compassionate?

That’s a good question to ask especially in this age when we’re often told to “suck-it-up and keep it moving’.  We daily are traumatized and stressed by events of our world.  We are awakened each morning with updates of the war in at least 2-3 countries, at least two “natural disasters” (one international and one nationally), and let’s not forget the threats “seen and unseen” (Psa. 91:5-6).  Perhaps these fears are the reason we emotionally “tune out” what’s happening to us in order to protect ourselves.  Why do we “shut down”?

Recently published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology is this insight about why people resist experiencing compassion for others, despite it being a generally positive feeling.

More people are finding it increasingly difficult to engage with each other, and as people are overwhelmed with the amount of suffering right now due to the pandemic, it may make compassion particularly difficult. 

The cost of caring

Without a doubt, showing compassion costs.  The cost is expressed in both emotional commitment and physical engagement.  The characters in the Parable of the Good Samaritan considered the cost.  This would include their understanding of the situation which would determine their engagement.  They would then consider the effort it would take to resolve the problem.  A little or a great deal?

The priest “saw the traveler and moved to the other side.” The priest evaluated the situation.  He probably thought the man was dead.  What would he do with a dead man on the road? Bury him?  Take him with him?  He didn’t even know him.  Too much work!   He also knew that involvement with a dead person would make him ceremonially “unclean” (Num. 9:7).  The uncleanness would last for at least seven days, until he could be purified again. He wouldn’t be able to conduct his duties at the temple.  He had to protect his job.  Based on the effort and his understanding of the situation, he left the man on the road. Do his responses sound like ours when we see someone in need?

The Levite “came and looked”.  He saw that the traveler wasn’t dead, so why didn’t he help?  The text doesn’t say, and we choose not to speculate.  Regardless, the result was the same as with the priest, the Levite “passed by the other side.”

What would we have done in this situation?  Hindsight is 20/20.  We know the back drop for the parable and how the story ends.  But in 2023, when we are faced with pain and suffering, do we also “pass to the other side”?  Do we need to understand all the details and effort required before we engage in others pain?

Compassion—a mental or spiritual challenge

Why was the response by the Samaritan different than the priest and the Levite?  What was the principle Jesus was attempting to share with the lawyer (Luke 10:25-29) and also to us living in 2023?  We are to show mercy and compassion, like the Samaritan.

The word compassion in the Luke 10 passage is used almost exclusively to describe Jesus’ response in the Gospel accounts.  It is a verb (action word) showing the deepest level of compassion (Luke 7:13).  It means to have the bowels yearn. When Jesus’ compassionate response was described in this way, the occasion was often the turning point in someone’s life (Mark 1:40-42; Matt 9:33-38)

Called to be compassionate

While there are mental processes that we use to engage in compassion, we must focus our responses on that which God expects.  God expects us to show compassion to those He places in our path and sphere of influence.  Jesus expects us to act like the Samaritan and “show mercy” (Luke 10:37).

God calls each of us to have compassion for others. That call is more than an appeal for us to “feel pity for the needy”.  It is a call to care enough to become involved.  Like Jesus’ compassion, we are expected to take action that will set others’ lives on a fresh, new course.

Rehearsing God’s Mercy

Rehearsing helps us remember.

When we hear the word “rehearse”, we conjure up visions of singing, dancing, or acting. A rehearsal is a preparatory event that is performed before the official public performance, as a form of practice. The intent of a rehearsal is to ensure that all details of the performance are adequately prepared and coordinated for presentation.

This Psalm is a timely rehearsal that help us to remember God’s loving protection and provision in our lives. It is a time that we reflect when God has shown His great mercy to us (Lam. 3:22-23).  It is, then possible, by repeating God’s example, that we can begin to expand our mercy and our compassion to others.  It is in preparing that we begin to conform to the image of Jesus (Rom. 12:2). We can begin to rehearse God’s mercy.

Rehearsing prepares.

In Psalm 106, the psalmist prepares the Jews who have returned from Exile by recounting the mercies extended by God to the nation of Israel. Can you imagine returning to your hometown after a 70-year absence?

Many of the older Jews had died in captivity; younger Jews had little to draw upon to refresh their memory of God’s love and provision for Israel during her glory days. Instead, they arrived to find burnt gates and broken walls.

Many would have forgotten God’s reason for allowing them to go into captivity.  It was their habitual, sinful nature and rebellious lifestyle (v.43) that resulted in their 70-year banishment from Israel.  It was the psalmist’s intent to prepare the returning Jews’ hearts and minds for spiritual revival—a return to God.

Rehearsing increases wisdom.

The Psalmist takes time to share with the returning Jews, the errors that contributed to their  exile.  Here are a few key learnings that are still appropriate for today’s believers.

    • Confess and repent of your sins to avoid God’s judgment. “We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly.” (v. 6)
    • Seek God’s wisdom in all your decision making. “They soon forgot his works; they waited not for his counsel.” (v. 13)
    • Eliminate complaints about what you don’t have and express gratitude for God’s provision.“They despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word: But murmured in their tents and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD.” (vv.24-25)

Even in Israel’s rebellion and sin, God never failed to extend His mercy and grace (vv. 44-45).

Nevertheless he (God) regarded their distress when he heard their cry.  For their sake he remembered His covenant and showed compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love.” 

Rehearsing makes for great testimonies.

If we were to “rehearse” God’s mercy in our life, what would we write? Would it be similar to Israel’s history reflecting a life pattern of sin and backsliding? Do we see evidence of God’s love and mercy regardless of our rebellion and spiritual failures?  Take time to reflect on where you’ve come from and then write your own psalm reflecting when and how God’s love and mercy was extended to you.

Satan uses our memory to evoke shame and guilt for things we have done that were not God honoring.  However, we can use our past errors as our testimony to others about the saving love of Christ. If we now walk under the guidance and direction of God’s Spirit, remembrance of our life B.C. (Before Christ) should not be an indictment against us but evidence of the immense love God has for us.

There is nothing better than living in God’s A.D. (Abundant Dominion). Let us continually rehearse God’s mercy in our hearts and minds as we prepare for effective service and kingdom building.

The REST we need!

The Rest we need!


The Biblical view of rest

Last week we asked the question, “Do you need rest?”  We examined the three (3) biblical rests God has provided for His Covenant people.  Sabbath rest, Canaan rest, and Eternal rest.

We concluded that accessing these rests is possible through development of an intimate relationship with God.  Our rest can be found in listening to His voice and obeying Him.  We closed with Lawrence O. Richards’ explanation that Christians often struggle with learning how to enter God’s rest.  God’s rest is a place of confidence and contentment that can only be found in relationship with Him.

The Scientific view of rest

In her Ted Talk, “The 7 Types of rest that every person needs,” Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, shares what is really needed for us to rest.  My biggest take away was the fact that we often mistakenly view rest as sleep.

“We go through life thinking we’ve rested because we have gotten enough sleep — but in reality we are missing out on the other types of rest we desperately need. The result is a culture of high-achieving, high-producing, chronically tired and chronically burned-out individuals. We’re suffering from a rest deficit because we don’t understand the true power of rest.  “

Dr. Smith concludes her study with the definition of spiritual rest.  She describes it as feeling a “deep sense of belonging, love, acceptance, and purpose”.  She recommends that to receive spiritual rest, one needs to “engage in SOMETHING GREATER THAN YOURSELF, ADD PRAYER, MEDITATION, OR COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT.”

For me, and believers in Christ, that “deep belonging, love, acceptance, and purpose” is found in Christ. Christ is the better rest.

A Better Rest

Paul states that in Christ, “we live, and move, and have our meaning” (Acts 17:28).  This includes our time of rest.  Even during our physical rest, we must not forget to maintain relationship with Jesus.  It is in acknowledging the Lord’s presence, that our better rest begins.

Jesus invites the crowds in Matt. 11: 28-29 to “come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”   Jesus offers rest.

After the disciples had returned from their mission trip (Mark 6:7-13), Jesus instructs then to “come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”   Jesus is rest.

“Alone time” with God can allow God to examine us. It can be a time of knowing God more deeply, a time of strengthening, a time of refreshment, a time of sharing our deepest concerns with God, and a time of simply being with the One who formed us and loves us beyond our understanding.[1]

Rest:  How do we enter it?

The rest we need can only be found in relationship with Jesus.  It is “relational rest”.  This rest can be found in the practice of spiritual disciplines.  Spiritual disciplines are not an end in themselves.  Spiritual disciplines are intended to deepen our relationship with God.[2]

Prayer Talking to God
Meditation Listening to God
Solitude Alone with God
Contemplation Thinking about God
Worship Glorifying God

I close with a formula on how to enter God’s rest.  Feel free to develop your own.  The main thing to remember is to keep Christ as the source of your rest.

R. Reflection. Daily examine where God has been at work. This will foster awareness of God’s presence.

E. Exchange. Trade-out Satan’s lies for God’s truths. This will increase your wisdom and discernment.

SSolace. Find comfort and consolation in God’s presence. This will strengthen your confidence.

T. Transformation. Each day seek to be conformed to the image of Christ. This will please God.

[1]  Got Questions, “What does the Bible say about the value of solitude?”

[2]  Rev. Dr. Wallace S. Hartsfield, “A Prayer for Presence.”

Making a Fresh Start

Opportunities and challenges

Happy New Year!  With this new year comes both opportunities and challenges. More importantly, comes our chance to receive exceeding great and precious promises through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord (2 Pet. 1: 2, 4).

To begin this year, WordBytes will launch a new series entitled The Clarion Word Classics.

The word “clarion” comes from the Latin word claru or ‘clear’.  Used as an adjective, it means ‘loud and clear’.   Our intent with this quarterly series is to make “loud and clear” what is ours in Christ and as children of God (Rom. 8:17).

Making a Fresh Start

Throughout 2023, we will share faith writings from key theologians who will strengthen and enrich our spiritual lives and faith walk.  This includes such sage theologians and writers such as J.I. Packer, Oswald Chambers, and C.S. Lewis.

We will also introduce contemporary writers who express spiritual answers to the challenges of 21st century living.  This includes such authors as Priscilla Shirer, Alistair Begg, John Piper, and black theologian, Bruce L. Fields.

To begin the Clarion Word Classics, we introduce F.B. Meyer (a favorite of mine).  His devotion for the new year is entitled, Making a Fresh Start.”  Meyer infuses scripture throughout his writings.  See if you can find them within the text.

What do you want for Christmas?


What do you want for Christmas?

Christmas past

What do you want for Christmas this year?  What’s your ask?  When I was a child, my anticipation of Christmas was so high.  I remember the special journey to see the animated Christmas displays in the store windows in downtown Kansas City, Missouri.  The shops on “Petticoat Lane” and the special baked goods at “The Cake Box”.  There was no sitting on Santa’s lap and sharing our list of wants, but endless nights of looking at the special Christmas catalogue from Sears, J.C. Penney’s, and “Monkey Wards” (Montgomery Wards).  What a wonderful and magical time!

But I’m no longer a child.  To the contrary, I’m a grandmother and family elder.  Now as I anticipate Christmas, I ask myself, what do I want?  What are my choices?  Things eternal or things of this world? Now I must look beyond Christmas Day with its torn wrapping paper and empty boxes.  I want something that lasts beyond Christmas Day.  Don’t you?  As we close out this year, I invite you to join me in answering this question for yourself.

What’s on your list?

Harry & David suggests we warm hearts with festive gourmet gifts and Christmas gift baskets.  That’s no surprise!  “Do it Yourselfers” ensure us that handmade gifts will be received with joy:  polaroid photo magnets (try finding a polaroid camera), beautifully packaged cookie mixes or pretty finger knit blankets.  Who has the time?

Topping the list of the 23 “hottest cool gadgets” for Christmas is a Black Bird drone with camera for $99.  “For the first time, ordinary people can capture crazy selfies and shots that were previously only possible with professional equipment.”  I’m sure our neighbors and friends will love sharing in on this gift.

But what do people really want?

Here are some things to consider as you plan your gift shopping.

In an article entitled The Top 10 Things People Want in Life but Can’t Seem to Get, I was amazed in reading the responses to this informal survey that probed “critical life and career questions.”  From my reading, I compiled (in their order of importance) the top five (5) areas people are feeling desperate about:  happiness, money, freedom, peace, and joy.   I’ve included a sixth, balance, since it is the focus of many Millennials and Genxers.  What was surprising was that most of the items were intangible, subjective (what I can feel), and internal versus external.

In the aftermath of COVID (before the variants), people wanted “relationship”.   A few verbatims are captured below recognizing the extraordinary power and satisfaction that can only be found through our connection with one another.

  • “Have a big family get together!”
  • “Go to a game and watch some sports!”
  • “See my mom in assisted living.”
  • “Make sure all my friends are cured too, then we’ll party!”

A new Barna Group report was released this month on trends in the Black church[1].  When asked what churchgoers wanted for their lives, the results were as follows:

  • 84% wanted good health
  • 83% wanted a close relationship with God
  • 77% wanted to provide for their family
  • 75% wanted a clear purpose for living

Note the focus of the three groups.  They were primarily, intangibles, subjective, and internal.

What I want for Christmas 2022

Challenges will continue in 2023.  Financial upheaval, political squabbles, shortages, rising social needs, hunger, and homelessness (regardless of the new names).  What do we need?  What do we want?

After conducting my personal survey among friends and family, I’ve created a revised “short Christmas list”.  Many of the items on this list have been sermonized during this season of Advent.  They are hope, peace, joy, and love.

    • Hope—”expecting a better future for the world, our nation, and our families”
    • Peace— “less hatred, division, and political strife”
    • Joy— “more contentment and gratitude regardless of our situation”
    • Love—”better relationships and greater compassion for others”

Reflecting on the various lists of “things” people desire, it is clear, God has already provided these and much more.  Happiness, freedom, and balance. God will provide it.  Relationship.  God will be whomever we need in our life.   Hope, peace, joy, and love.  In Him and in His presence, we will find more than we need (Eph. 3:20-21).   It is up to each of us to access our heavenly gifts through faith and obedience to God.  In Christ, all these things are currently ours.

Below are my “gift lists” available to us through relationship with our Heavenly Father, Who only gives “good and perfect gifts” (James 1:17). God’s gifts last beyond the torn tissue and open boxes.  They last beyond Christmas day through all of eternity.  With God and in Christ, every day is Christmas.

  • Ephesians 1:3-17
  • 2 Peter 1:3-18

[1]  This report was created in partnership with Black Millennial Café, Urban Ministries, Inc., Compassion International to celebrate the legacy of the Black Church in America and to pursue racial justice inside and outside the Church.  With that intent, there is no comparative study for White churches.


Thanksgiving Gratitude

Thanksgiving Gratitude

“In everything give thanks.”

In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, we are instructed to give thanks in everything.  What does that look like in our homes and cities as we continue to deal with challenges on every hand.  Especially this Thanksgiving.

As we prepare for our family gatherings, the impact of inflation, rising gas prices, and supply shortages may cause us to question, “is there really anything to be thankful for?”  What gratitude are you bringing to this year’s Thanksgiving celebration?

Gratitude is an emotion expressing appreciation and thankfulness for what one has.  Is there anything we appreciate or are thankful for?  While we are very good at expressing our displeasure for what we don’t have, regrettably, we often miss the mark in articulating our gratitude.

Failure to show gratitude

We, in general, are slow in offering gratitude.  We will sometimes express gratitude when prayers are answered, or catastrophes are avoided.  However, even in those special circumstances, we are more likely to attribute our good fortune to luck than to God’s benevolence.

In the busyness of living, we take for granted those things God provides through His grace to all mankind:  the sun and the moon (Deut. 33:14), the regularity with which the seasons change (Gen. 8:22), and the marvels of created life (Rom. 1:20).

We fail to recognize our blessings and therefore fail to express gratitude.  Gratitude is the only “proper response” to beneficence:  the generosity and kindness from a benefactor.  In our case, exuberant gratitude is the best response to our gracious and loving God.

Gratitude and salvation

With salvation, we as believers experience a multitude of blessings, both now and in the future.  First and foremost is our deliverance from the power and penalty of sin (Rom. 6:9).  This release from our sin nature provides instant access to God the Father (Rom. 5:2).

We are given a new identity in Christ, both as children of God and joint heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:16-17).  As new creatures in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17), we are gifted with the presence of the Holy Spirit who empowers us with the same dunamis power that raised Christ from the dead (Eph. 1:19).

Finally, eternal life is God’s special gift to believers.  It is a gift that cannot be acquired through works, or any other path.  Yet it is readily available through belief in Jesus the Christ (John 3:16).  Through eternal life, we can experience God’s presence, peace, and provision.  As heirs of God, we await our final inheritance reserved for us in heaven, when we return to our true home (1 Pet. 1:3-4).

It is God’s will that in everything, we give thanks.

It is not God’s will that we express gratitude for “gratitude’s sake only”.  We know that in giving thanks, His power can be released into our life in ways never before seen.

This includes the formation of incredible joy, unshakeable hope, and unbroken peace (1 Pet. 1:2-4).  The outward expression of appreciation to God, works to bring new power and access that, under other circumstances, would be unattainable.

As we prepare for this year’s Thanksgiving, are we grateful for what we do have?  According to the Greek writer and philosopher, Cicero, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of the virtues but the parent of all others.” Let us, therefore, bring to this Thanksgiving dinner an “extra serving” of gratitude.

Altars of Earth

An Altar of Earth

It’s all in the instructions

I am notorious for ordering items online.   When the box arrives, I’m excited to see my item in the perfect spot I’ve chosen for it.  However, when I open the box, all I see are parts and pieces in plastic bags with the INSTRUCTIONS on how to put it together.  Thank the Lord, I have such a kind and knowledgeable husband who is good with instructions.

Today we explore a  set of instructions God gave Israel following His presentation of the Ten Commandments (Exod. 20:24).

An altar of earth you shall make for Me, and you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and your oxen. In every place where I record My name I will come to you, and I will bless you.

 God’s  “thunderous” manifestation of his  presence  impressed upon Israel that He was the “Living God” and not some impotent idol they had worshipped in Egypt  (Exod. 20:18-20). God was the Creator and not the molded creations of man’s idolatrous mind.  God was moving closer to His people.  He would come to them and bless them.

Why an altar of earth?

An altar of earth, a simple structure, or of stone (unhewn), was  to be constructed. God wanted them to build a plain altar of stone with no engraving. I’m sure many of the Israelites had seen the engraving of the statues and monuments in Egypt.  They may have even been engravers themselves.  But God required a higher yet simpler standard that would recognize who He was.   The moment a tool was put to the stone, it would be considered “polluted”.

It should be noted that the primary purpose of the altar was for worship.  That worship was to include specific offerings—a burnt and a peace offering.  There was no mention of presenting a sin and trespass offerings which were given to Israel later.

The peace offering revealed man’s need for  sacrifice that would reconcile him to God.  Jesus Christ accomplished that by His blood on the Cross.  The burnt offering speaks of God’s  worthiness and ability to save.  Christ was the perfect sacrifice and the only one able to satisfy the righteous requirements of God (2 Cor. 5:18)

Where’s my altar?

Everywhere Israel journeyed,  they made an altar of earth.  The altar was to be placed  in those places where  “God recorded His name.” One commentary states it this way:   “cause My name to be remembered”.

God would reward Israel’s offerings in those places where God was worshipped in sincerity.

Afterwards, God chose one particular place (Jerusalem) to record his name.  But now that has been taken away under the gospel, when men are encouraged to pray every where.  This promise revives in its full extent, that, wherever God’s people meet in his name to worship him, he will be in the midst of them, he will honour them with his presence, and reward them with the gifts of his grace; there he will come unto them, and will bless them.  More than this we need not desire for the beautifying of our solemn assemblies.[1]

This portion of the Exodus text caught my attention.  I then began to ask myself the following questions.

Where are my “altars of earth” to the Lord?

Where are the places in my life where God has caused me to “remember His name”?

Am I watchful and recognize when I am “out of fellowship”with Him?

Am I presenting offerings that worship God?

Do I bless God for all His benefits? His presence,  power, provision, and  protection?

Altars and offerings are no longer needed to be in right relationship with God.  Jesus’ death and resurrection eliminated that requirement.  However, it is important that we Christians spiritually create our personal altars to worship God in recognition of His love and gift of life through Jesus Christ.

I close with the following  scripture texts in the hope that they  will “cause His name to be remembered” by each of us.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.(Rom. 12:1) 

Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. (Heb.13:15) 

Give to the LORD the glory due his name; Bring an offering, and come before him.  Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness!  (1 Chron. 16:29)

[1]  Matthew Thomas Commentary

Our Theology of Suffering: Where is God in our Suffering?


Suffering Summary

We began our study on suffering by discussing its definition and its implication in the life of the believer.  While no one wants to suffer, it is a fact of life that we must manage every day. We mentioned early in the series how we try to alleviate our suffering. Living in a fallen world, however, we will experience some form of suffering.

We examined the practice of pain management and the strategies we use to ease our pain and suffering. For believers, we agreed that our pain management comes from our knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. Armed with that knowledge, we can live confidently, trusting in His goodness and His greatness. (Ps. 27: 1-3).

We concluded that having the right theology of suffering will help us to not only manage the pain, but also sustain us through our suffering.   Suffering is best managed first, by putting our trust in God and secondarily, by having a Christian worldview.

Where is God?

With all we’ve discussed about suffering to date, there is yet one question we have.  “Where is God in the midst of our suffering?”  Through the COVID pandemic, in natural disasters, and during mass shootings; with these and many more events in mind, where is God?  This is where the right theology of suffering is important.  

If we believe that God is our spiritual “Superman” who will rescue us from suffering, then we will always be disappointed. God loves us and is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives. His glory and His power can best be recognized not in His rescuing us “from” our suffering BUT INSTEAD in His provision for us “during” our suffering. God is where He has always been and where He will always be—actively participating in our suffering. 

How does God participate in our suffering?   By sustaining us (Ps. 55:22; Phil. 4:19).  By strengthening us (Ps. 27:1; 2 Thess. 3:3).  By comforting us (John 14:7; 2 Cor. 1:3-5).  By providing and protecting us (Isa. 54:10).  God is not observing our suffering from afar. He is ever near (2 Chron. 16:9; Isa. 30:21).

As our Sovereign, God controls all events, people, and circumstances that flow into our lives. By faith we trust God, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28).  And that purpose may include the experience of suffering (2 Cor. 12:7). Without God we can’t fit suffering into the fabric of life.

Look for Jesus in the midst

In reading God’s Word and through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, I have learned to not only, trust in God, but also, “look for God” during my suffering.

While working with a soul healing team, we witnessed how the Holy Spirit would reveal Jesus in the midst of a person’s painful experience.  The Holy Spirit helped individuals see Jesus during their situation.  They realized they were not alone.  Jesus was there with them!  Sustaining, comforting, strengthening, and protecting.

Jesus is always with us!    We must learn to practice looking for God during times of suffering.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see Jesus with you during times of suffering.  Look for Him with your spiritual eyes.

Closing words on suffering

F.B. Meyer, noted theologian, wrote these words about suffering.

Suffering in the will of God challenges us to persevere in our faith. God desires to use such suffering to advance his Kingdom and righteousness in many ways, including further conforming us to the image of God. We need to keep the right perspective about such suffering.

Andrew Murray had this to say about suffering:

 By faith alone are we able to bear suffering, great or small, alright to God’s glory, or our own welfare. Faith sees it in the light of God and eternity; It’s short pain, it’s everlasting gain; it’s impotence to hurt the soul, it’s power to purify and to bless it.

While I appreciate both writer’s input, I commit to memory the following from my Lord and Savior Jesus.  Especially its closing promise.

These things I have spoken to you, that in me you might have peace. In this world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33