Tag Archives: victorious living

Meet the Holy Spirit: A Proper Introduction


A Proper Introduction

Our discussion on “surrender” has raised new interest in a topic WordBytes has “directly” addressed only ten times since our first publication in 2010.   Although each bible teaching makes mention of the works of this person, I have failed to dedicate a study about Them.

Who is it?  The Holy Spirit!  My failure was not my belief that teaching about the Holy Spirit wasn’t important.  On the contrary, I wrongly supposed that everyone knew everything about the Holy Spirit.  Faulty assumption!

Therefore, for the next few weeks, I’m going to dedicate time to reintroduce us to the Holy Spirit.  It is my prayer that at the end of this series, we will desire to draw closer to God after learning about His Spirit (Psa. 42:1-2). Why is this important?  As we will learn, the Holy Spirit is vital for victorious living and kingdom building.   That’s why we need a “proper introduction”.

The Holy Spirit of Pentecost

This month we celebrated Pentecost in churches across the nation and around the world.  With Christ’s completed work of salvation—His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension—the promised Holy Spirit would come and dwell within us (Acts 2).

It was the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence that would enable Jesus’ disciples to continue the work He had begun. Pentecost marked the availability of the Holy Spirit to everyone who would “call upon the name of Jesus” (Rom. 10:13).

While we may know about the various ministries of the Holy Spirit, it is even more important to fully grasp the enormity of His Presence within us. Deity is living within us! I love the way Jesus described this phenomenon: “I (Jesus) in them (Believers) and You (God) in me, (so) that they may be made perfect in one” (John 17:23).

Like the disciples on the day of Pentecost we need the Holy Spirit’s power and direction as we live for God’s glory. We are invited to join with the Triune God in Their ministry of deliverance, wholeness, and grace (Eph. 2:10).

God wants to lead you to places you cannot get to without Him, and He does that by the power of His Spirit. He can bring you into the realm of the miraculous—not as a show, but as a demonstration of His love and compassion for the lost, hurting, or needy. Who among us doesn’t want or need that?[1]

Another like the Other

In anticipation of His departure, Jesus promised the disciples “another Comforter” (allon parakletos)—another of the same kind to aid (John 14:16).  The Holy Spirit would represent God to the disciples as Jesus did in his incarnate state.

The Holy Spirit would direct the disciple’s decisions, counsel them continually, and remain with them forever.  Jesus knew the heart of His disciples and the importance of His presence in their life.  That same Comforter now dwells within each of us who are in Christ (Eph. 1:13).

Jesus knew that, even in the 21st century, we would need the loving reassurance of His presence.  With the uncertainty of the world we live in, it is comforting to know that we are never outside the watchful eye of God IN ADDITION to being indwelt by the very presence of Jesus, who is the Holy Spirit living within us.

“The world is perishing for lack of the knowledge of God and

the Church is famishing (starving) for want of His Presence.”

                                                  A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

God never changes and His promises are still true—”He will never leave or forsake us” (Gen. 28:15).   We are never out of God’s watchful eye or reach.

[1] Stormie Omartian, Lead Me, Holy Spirit:  Longing to Hear the Voice of God.

The Surrendered Life

The Surrendered Life

Living for Christ

In my faith walk, I must constantly remind myself that “I am not my own.”  My new life in Christ was purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ (1 Corin. 6:19-20).

This life brings new responsibility as we share Jesus’ message of reconciliation  Jesus died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. (2 Corin. 5:15) Living for Christ requires that we live a surrendered life.  It is not by accident or happenstance.  It is intentional.

Understanding surrender

In his book, Immortal Diamonds, Richard Rohr shares a glimpse into the secret of living a surrendered life through the contemporary example of the Amish.

The Amish people know they are connected to and a part of a much larger divine reality which looks naïve to the rest of us.  On the foundation as to what is real and what is passing, they are experts.  It also explains their peace, happiness and contentment.

Understanding begins when we seek and prioritize God’s plan for our life.  It is in God that we live, breathe, and have our meaning (Acts 17:28).  Our worldview is based on the reality of God, the certainties of faith, and the “end game” that leads us to eternity with the Lord (1 John 5:13).  The surrendered life begins with denying self and the world.  It begins with Jesus as our priority.

Surrender begins with denying

Jesus in His teaching on the cost of discipleship was brutally honest about His expectation of His followers.  There was no mincing of words to make the offer more appealing to His listeners.  Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” (Matt. 16:24) Jesus’ ministry continues today with us as His disciples.  His expectations have not changed.

Deny has two meanings: (1) to affirm that one has no acquaintance or connection with someone and (2) to lose sight of oneself and own interests.  Matthew uses the second definition to explain Jesus’ rebuke to would-be disciples unaware of the cost to follow Him.

As we deny our own interest and forsake our past self, we must also reject our love for this world— “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” (1 John 2:16).  All these create within us a divided heart which cannot love Jesus well nor surrender to His leading.

The surrendered life

The world, Satan, and our flesh are not big on “denying”.   They encourage us to place our desires above the Lord’s.  They deceive by whispering, “You can have it your way right now.  Jesus can wait another day.”  Jesus replies, “I am The Way” (John 14:6) and offers instead His love (John 3:16), salvation (Heb. 2:10), forgiveness (Ep. 1:7), freedom (Ps. 146:7), and peace (Col. 3:15).

The goal of the Christian life can be summed up by Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Such a life of surrender is pleasing to God, results in the greatest human fulfillment, and will reap ultimate rewards in heaven (Luke 6:22-23).[1]

The surrendered life in Christ results in great joy and wisdom.  There is great confidence in knowing we have made the best choice by seeking “the Pearl of Great Price” (Matt. 13:46). To give up other offers, by comparison, is a surrender of the lesser.

[1]   Got Questions, “What does it mean to surrender to God?”

Throwback Wednesday: Living in Resurrection Power

Throwback Wednesday: Living in Resurrection Power

Easter, for Christians, is  more than a one day event.  It is a 50-day celebration. The season of Easter, or Eastertide, begins at sunset on the eve of Easter and ends on Pentecost (see Acts 2).

Eastertide, is also, an excellent  opportunity to expand our  understanding of the power Christ’s resurrection continuous to offer, even in the 21st century (Eph. 1:19-20).

That being said,  we offer for your reading, “Living in Resurrection Power”.   This is an excellent follow-up to our series, “Spiritual Blessing for Victorious Living.”

Spiritual Blessings for Victorious Living: Living Victoriously


Spiritual Blessings for Victorious Living: Living Victoriously Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3 (NKJ)

What does it look like?

At the beginning of this series, we put forth the proposition that spiritual blessings, outlined in Ephesians 1:3-14, will result in victorious living by believers.

As we conclude this series, it is a great time to share exactly how spiritual blessings accomplish that.  What exactly does victorious living look like?  There is much written on “how” to live victoriously.  It often includes a recommended list of spiritual disciplines accompanied with a list of “do’s and don’ts”.  Yet, more than often,  the specifics on victorious living are unclear.

Clarity in the Scriptures

For me, there are several biblical truths that contribute to understanding what victorious living looks like.  The most important being how “we look” in Christ.

In Christ, we are “new creatures” (2 Cor. 5:17) and are continually being  “transformed by the renewing of their mind” (Rom. 12:2).  It is God’s expectation that we “be holy as He who called [them] is holy” (1 Pet. 1:15-16) with the ultimate objective to be conformed to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29).

As we are conformed to Christ’s image,  we live out our purpose or  “good works, which God has ordained” for us to do (Eph. 2:10).

This process of spiritual transformation is ongoing in us who confidentially trusts God and understands that “He that began a good work is able to perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6)—until Christ’s Second Return or the believer’s returns to Christ.

Victory in God

Victorious living finds its genesis in the Triune God.  Chosen by God.  Redeemed by Christ.  Sealed by the Holy Spirit.

Victorious living is achieved by our walking in the reality of the spiritual blessings “gifted” to us by God resulting in our new identity and capability.  All these blessing are to the praise of God’s glory—lavish and abundant blessings on which to live victoriously.

I once believed that living victoriously was dependent on me.  I am so glad that God provided the “true secret to victorious living”.   For it in In Him “we live, and move, and have our meaning” (Acts 17:28).

“But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”  (Titus 3:4-7)

In your quiet time, read Ephesians 1:3-14.  Feel free to read it several times using a different translation or paraphrase; then journal how this scripture can help you live more victoriously.

Spiritual Blessing for Victorious Living: A Foretaste of Glory

In whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, Who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory. Ephesians 1:13a-14 (NKJV)

God’s Work of Salvation

To this point in our study of Ephesians 1, Paul has focused on the work of Triune God in fulfilling the work of salvation. 

Jesus Christ the Son, offered Himself for the redemption and forgiveness of sin for those who accept Him by faith.  Through His blood, Christ paid the righteous demand for sin for without the shedding of blood there can be no redemption (Heb. 9:21-22).     

As we approach the conclusion of our series, Spiritual Blessings for Victorious Living, Paul describes the extraordinary work of the Holy Spirit as He fulfills His role in the work of salvation.

The Spirit of Promise

The Holy Spirit would seal those in Christ “until the redemption of the purchased possession” in eternity future. A seal, in biblical times as today, is used to guarantee security or indicate ownership.

Ancient seals were often made of wax, embedded with the personalized imprint of their guarantor.  In both the Old and New Testament the significance of the act of sealing was dependent on the authority of the one doing the sealing.  

It would authenticate the guarantor’s ability to “make good” on that which was promised within the sealed document; in this case the promise of the believer’s salvation and future inheritance. 

The Holy Spirit of Promise not only endows the believer with power to accomplish the purposes of God (Phil. 1:6; 4:13) but He also gives assurances that God will do and can do all that He has pledged—promises and blessings for today and an inheritance in the future. The Holy Spirit seals those who trust in Christ (Eph1:12, 13) and His presence is God’s guarantee that believers are owned by Him and secure in Him.

Blessed Assurance

Since the Holy Spirit’s task is to apply Christ’s work to God’s people, He anoints those in Christ the moment they believe (2 Cor. 1:21-22).  The believer is then secured as a member of God’s family, not in their own power, but because the Spirit is applying the promises made possible by God through our relationship with Christ.  

His sealing comprises the initial down payment or the earnest of the full redemption of God’s possession (1 Cor. 6:19-20; 1 Pet. 1:3-5).  In reading Ephesians 13a-14, the words of the hymn, “Blessed Assurance” echoes within my heart and mind.

Blessed assurance Jesus is mine

Oh what a foretaste of glory divine

Heir of salvation, purchase of God

Born of His Spirit, Lost in His love

Foretaste of Glory

This song captures in totality the work of salvation and the interceding role of each member of the Holy Trinity. 

Blessed Assurance describes in its opening lines the work specifically of the Holy Spirit who gives us a foretaste of the glory that belongs to those who are in Christ. 

“Foretaste” is made up of two Latin words:  ante which means “ahead, before or previously” and gustus meaning “flavor, zeal” (this is where we get our word gusto). 

Foretaste is described as a taste before possession; a limited awareness of something to occur.  This is a good illustration of what the sealing of the Holy Spirit accomplishes—it whets the spiritual appetite for those things which God has reserved for believers until the day we all shall see Jesus for ourselves (1 John 3:2).

This is my story, this is my song.

Praising my Savior all the day long.

Spiritual Blessings for Victorious Living: The Boundless Gift of Grace


The Boundless Gift of Grace

Precious memories

“Grace” was a familiar song often sung at my childhood home church.  I can still hear Mrs. Olivia Gentry, bellowing out the chorus that highlights the richness and indescribable power of God’s grace.

Grace, Grace, God’s grace

His grace is sufficient for me.

Grace, Grace, God’s grace

His grace will give you,

The victory.

As we continue our series on victorious living, we would be remiss if we did not take time to examine the source of our salvation and “crown jewel” of God’s blessings:  GRACE.  Without it, victorious living is impossible.  For it is the grace of God that finally resolved our issue with sin:  the thing that thwarted our relationship with our Heavenly Father.  It would take extraordinary, boundless grace to reverse the downward spiral of fallen man.

In Him [Christ}, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence.  Eph. 1:7-8 (NKJV)

The Heart of grace

In the Old Testament, grace (hen) generally referred to one finding favor and acceptance with God (Gen. 6:8; Exod. 34:9; Ps. 84:11).  In the New Testament, while grace still infers the favor of God, grace (charis) is extended to include God’s goodwill and loving-kindness.  This boundless gift of grace is extended to us through Jesus Christ (Titus 2:11,14).

In Christ, we find redemption and forgiveness of sin (Eph.1:7).  Jesus satisfied the holy and legal requirements of God by paying the price for sin with “the shedding of blood” (Lev. 17:11; Heb. 9:22).  When we continued in our sin, unable to keep His laws, God sent His Son Jesus (John 3:16). J

Jesus Christ made it possible for God to complete His plan of salvation that was created before the foundations of the world (1 John 3:5-8; 4:9). This “glorious grace” (Eph. 1:6) has resulted in God’s choosing us, adopting us, and making us” acceptable in the Beloved” (Eph. 1:3-6).

Paul states that the riches of God’s grace abound toward us (Eph. 1:8).  The RSV translation builds on that thought, using instead, “lavished upon us.”  Such extraordinary covering by God’s grace flows from the depth of His love (1 John 4:9-10).  It includes wisdom and prudence (understanding) of “Christ’s purpose so that we can feel His heart of mercy, to approve and to concur with His redeeming plans, as men ‘made wise unto salvation’” [1]

Where sin abound…grace abound much more

One thing we have in common is sin, regardless of time, space, or geography.  We see sin’s effect everyday:  crime, civil strife, social injustice.  All these find their root in sin.  There are, also, “subtle sins” that are hidden from the visible eye.  They affect the behavior of individuals, churches, and society.  They include greed, jealousy, envy, and hate, just to name a few.

The issues of this century are “heart issues”:  hearts hardened and determined to live self-centered and disobedient lives.  Neither money nor power can resolve humanity’s woes.  Narcissistic or charismatic leaders cannot end the political impasse.  Better schools or larger jails won’t end generations of economic inequality.  There is only one thing that can reverse the cycle of death set forth by sin in the Garden of Eden.  It’s God’s boundless gift of grace.

Alec Motyer, in this classic book, “Look to the Rock”, gives insight into the impact of God’s boundless gift of grace: “When God’s people could not rise to the height of His standard, God didn’t lower His standard to match their abilities, He transformed them.”  This transformation is possible only through acceptance of God’s boundless gift of grace.

[1] Ephesians Studies, H.C.G. Moule

Stay on the Path

“Enter through the narrow gate.

For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.”  Matthew 7: 13-14 (NIV)


A few years ago there is a commercial for financial planning that features a wide green path and arrow to guide the investor along life’s path.  As the investor strolls through the city, they are tempted to step off the path to pursue things that could hinder their ability to accomplish their long-term investment plans. The voice of the financial advisor coaches the investor to “just stay on the path.”  The implication is that as long as the investor “stays on the path” they will realize their financial goals and live happily ever after.

This commercial reminded me of Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. He told His listeners to, “Enter through the narrow gate.”  The King James Version renders “narrow” as “strait.”  Strait (stenos) refers to a narrowness created by obstacles standing close about.   These obstacles could be the world’s view on how we are to enter God’s kingdom.  Jesus’ point in this teaching is that the way to life is through a portal providing controlled access along a narrow way defined by God.  In contrast, the wide highway represents the world’s “substitute” for the way of life.  The end, of course, is death.

As I talk with believers about activities in their local churches, I am disturbed and heartbroken.  The Church, which was created to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13), is choosing to “get off the path.”  Churches across this country have abandoned teaching and preaching the “full counsel” of God for “trendy methods” of ministry.  The “fervent prayers of the righteous” (James 5:16) have been replaced with small group discussions on why the church should practice religious tolerance.  Churches are more concerned with not offending others than with grieving the Holy Spirit.  Peter reminded the early church, that Christ Himself was “a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence” (1 Peter 2:8).

It is extremely difficult to stay on the path of God when the world, especially the Church, is encouraging us to do otherwise. It is critical and life affecting that we stand fast in our faith (1 Peter 5:12).  We must resist being lured to “enter through the wide gate.” Do not be enticed by false teachings with their “faith-by-works, all-roads-lead-to-God” beliefs. Stay on the path until you reach your eternal goal of heaven. Remember, it is a narrow path that leads to life, and only a few find it.

SELAH: One of the inherent gift that is available with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is spiritual discernment. Spiritual discernment is “the ability to see life from God’s perspective”. It helps us to evaluate potential choices, options, and actions we may need to make in our life. Spiritual discernment helps believers to avoid potential “spiritual landmines” that might take us off path.

Read “The Power of a Discerning Spirit” then invite ask the Holy Spirit to heighten your discernment and reveal spiritual landmines currently in your life that might detour you from God’s desired purpose.