Lost in Space was an American science fiction television series in the 1960’s. It followed the adventures of the Robinsons, a pioneering family of space colonists who struggle to survive in the depths of space.
When danger was near to the Robinson family, Robbie, their protective robot, would cry out, “Danger”. Similarly, we teach our children to be aware of danger. They call out a warning, “stranger danger” when they feel threatened.
Stranger danger!
Warnings play a huge role in sheltering us from potential harm or danger. Because of the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic, we carefully heed the medical warnings provided to us by both our local and our state health officials. With the growth of cyber-crimes in our nation, we quickly respond to security warnings by purchasing systems to protect our personal assets. Police warnings of increases in crime incent us to invest in elaborate surveillance and security equipment.
However, do we, with the same diligence, heed spiritual warnings as we move through these fretful times? Are we concerned about the health and well-being of our souls? What about our family’s spiritual well-being? During the next few weeks, we will be using the book of Hebrews to discuss “spiritual danger warnings” in the 21st century.
Opportunities in warnings
The writer of Hebrews gave five (5) warnings to his readers. Although the historical context for this epistle is different than in 2020, the warnings included in Hebrews are still relevant for today.
Warren Wiersbe, noted teacher and biblical scholar had this to share concerning the practical applications that can be found in the book of Hebrews:
Many people have avoided the epistle to the Hebrews and, consequently, have robbed themselves of practical spiritual help. Some have avoided this book because they are afraid of it. The warnings in Hebrews have made them uneasy. Others have avoided this book because they think it is too difficult for the average Bible student. To be sure there are some profound truth in Hebrews, and no preacher or teacher will dare to claim that they know them all! But the general message of the book it’s clear and there is no reason why you and I should not understand and profit from it.
The Apostle Paul wrote, “everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope” (Rom. 15:4). Let’s get ready to dig in!