Living the Beatitude Life: An Introduction

Living the Beatitude Life: An Introduction

A Return n to the Familiar.

Last week we shared our thoughts on peacemaking.  We used the Sermon on the Mount, more specifically, The Beatitudes, that are found in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 5:3-12).   Why did we choose them for our teaching?

While the behaviors outlined in the Beatitudes may not conform to the current “worldview”, they are none the less valid and profitable.  The Beatitudes are foundational truths for righteous living that transcend time.

21st century living through the lens of the Beatitudes is a challenge, to say the least.  They are counterculture, counter-intuitive, and just plain hard.  While living the “Beatitude life” may appear difficult, it is worth the effort in the end.

The key to living the Beatitude Life is in our understanding their benefits.   For the next few weeks, we will examine the Beatitudes and the “blessings” available to us right now.

“Nothing new under the sun.”

We believe the teachings contained in the Beatitudes are relevant and desirable for 21st century believers.  The behaviors described in the Beatitudes represent what life “in Christ” looks like in relationship to God and with our fellowman.

In Ecclesiastes 1:9, Solomon stated that “there was nothing new under the sun”.  He was not referring to the normal changes that occur over time in society.  We are continually learning and integrating new technology and innovation into our world.

What has not changed is the heart of man (Jeremiah17:9).  The influence of the world, of sin and the pulling of our flesh continues (1 John 2:16-17).  Time has not lessened the need for God’s plan of salvation.  Justification, regeneration, and sanctification—are needed as much in AD 2024 as they were needed in 1 AD.  The need will continue until Christ returns.

Supernatural power needed.

Once we become new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), we no longer are expected to live by the world’s dictates.  Instead, we are to pursue a righteous lifestyle like that demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

The behaviors chronicled in the Beatitudes, however, are not developed in the flesh.  They are supernaturally enabled.  Some believe the Beatitudes are behaviors we should strive to achieve.  No amount of striving can accomplish each of these controversial behaviors.  They are only possible through the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Without the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Beatitudes make no sense, especially to the unredeemed world.  It is this third person of the Godhead that is responsible for the transforming work needed to live out the behaviors described in the Beatitudes (Philippians 2:13).

Stormie Omartian clarifies our response to the Holy Spirit’s power.

Know that once we have received Jesus, we can’t continue to live our old sinful lifestyle. Now that we have His Holy Spirit living in us, guiding us, and transforming us, we have no excuse.

Beatitude living is “supernatural living” that flows from a life lived in obedience to and trust in God.  Our behavior is reframed to see God and others with the eyes of Christ.

We’re not home yet.

The Beatitudes remind us that this world is not our final place of residency.   The kingdom of heaven is the reward that Jesus wants us to focus on.  In an age of instant gratification, rewards that come later are not usually sought after.

Knowing that we are “strangers and pilgrims” in this world, we must turn our attention to things that have eternal value (Colossians 3:1-2).  Therefore, we live in this world with different expectations on how life is to be lived.  Unfortunately, many believers, like unbelievers, focus on “life in this time” rather than “eternity with God”.

The Beatitudes are “rules of engagement” for followers of Christ. They are intimidating and antagonistic to accepted practices and beliefs of the world. True satisfaction and peace are only possible through Jesus Christ.  It is through Christ’s “blessedness” that true satisfaction and peace can be experienced—both now and through eternity.

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