Fan the Flames
2021 is quickly winding up as we enter the final quarters of the year. With it comes many challenges and changes. We are being asked daily to move past “flexibility” and instead, redesign and reinvent who we are. New normal have become changing normal.
For believers, the challenge is not to remake ourselves, but walk in our identity in Christ. This includes remembering who we are and whose we are. God has already given us everything we need to succeed (2 Pet. 1:3) through His Holy Spirit.
Season of Christian Reboot
To help us “fan the flame”, I have invited a dear friend and ministry partner, to share her wisdom for these crazy times we live in. Teri Brooks, author, speaker, and blogger “extraordinaire” is going to help us move into a “Season of Christian Reboot.”
Be ready to laugh, cry, and even shout, “Amen”. But most of all, experience God in all His goodness, greatness, and faithfulness. God is the answer for such a time as these.
How do I get that sermon you preach today?
Please request on Godsygirl blog
How do I get the sermon you preach today
On the Godsygirl blog, you might submit your request
Thank you both for the spiritual reboot you shared with me today! God was in the midst of it just like He is in the midst of everything in our lives. We just can’t move, think, or breathe without His presence! Recently I have had the nerve to feel a little sorry for this space or situation I find myself in. Shame on me! This is my assignment and just where He wants me to be. I now need to stop complaining to myself, and do the very best job I can as Caregiver Extraordinaire! Reboot and realize that my strength cometh from the Lord!