When you rise in the morning, do you expect to hear from the Lord? As you walk into the office, do you look for signs of His presence? Let me tell you that God speaks each and every day. The question is, “are you prepared to hear Him?” If you haven’t heard from Him lately, ask yourself these questions. Be brutally honest.
- Have I spent time in reading and meditating on God’s Word?
- Is there sin in my life that I refuse to confess?
- Have I placed other priorities ahead of God?
- Am I harboring bitterness, anger, or unforgiveness for someone in my life?
- How much time do I devote to prayer?
- Am I grieving the Spirit by being willfully disobedient?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may have found the source of your communications breakdown with the Lord. We are told to constantly examine our Christian walk (2 Corinthians 13:5) What are questions you ask yourself when you feel God is silent?