Read Hebrews 11. All the Faith Hall of Famers “died in faith not having received “the promises” but having seen them afar off were and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth (Heb. 11:13). The word “promises” is a metonymy for “the things promised.” This speaks specifically to the promised Messiah and future heavenly inheritance.
As “partakers of God’s glory”, we have begun to receive the promises of God on “this side” of eternity”(2 Pet. 1:3-11) with the glorious assurance eternal life on “the other side.” Informed with the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 4:6) and empowered by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), we can move forward with that which God has set before us “being fully persuaded, that what He (God) had promised, He was able also to perform (Rom. 4:21).
Here are key principles we can learn
from the Faith Hall of Famers on persevering faith.
1. We must believe that He who promises faithful. This requires you know Him in a personal way—in relationship. This includes daily communion and fellowship with Him to better understand His will and His ways. Would you put your life in the hands of someone you don’t know personally? Confidence comes from knowing Him.
2. We must understand His promises for our life.This begins by acquainting oneself with the promises of God. Some scholars cite 365 promises of God for His people—one for every day of the year. “Seeing afar off” requires visual acuity beyond our physical sight resulting in seeing beyond what we can see. It is with spiritual eyes and the assistance of the Holy Spirit that we are able to “see afar off.”
3. We must look past our experience here on earth and look forward to the effect of our work on the greater effort of “kingdom building.” We must actively declare ourselves as “pilgrims” traveling through this temporary thing called “time.” We have an assignment from our King (Matt. 28:19-20) to complete while here on earth. But we must never forget our home is heaven. We must, like the Faith Hall of Famers, declare ourselves as “pilgrims on this earth.”