Tag Archives: Meekness

Living the Beatitude Life: Meekness and Kingdom Living

Living the Beatitude Life: Meekness and Kingdom Living

Counterculture thinking.

The Beatitudes illustrate the behaviors and resulting “blessedness” that belongs to believers living by kingdom rules.  These behaviors were “counterculture”, not only in the first century, but even more so today.

Last week we explored the blessedness in “mourning and comforting”.  Mourning is the “sincere sorrow” we experience when we realize the impact of sin in our life.  Comfort is the result of knowing that Jesus Christ has delivered us not only from the penalty of sin (death) but also provided the means for ongoing cleansing (1 John 1:9).

We continue our exploration into the Beatitudes with the third proclamation by Jesus from his Sermon on the Mount.  “Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.”  (Matthew 5:5)

What is meekness?

Meekness (praus) is typically used to describe one whose disposition is gentle or mild. It has also been described as “power under control”.

Jesus described Himself as “gentle and lowly” (Matthew 11:29) yet He was the Creator of the universe.  John Killinger in his classic, Letting God Bless You, describes how Jesus’ life truly depicted “power under control”.

When folks got the idea of starting a movement that would make Him an earthly king, Jesus slipped away to be alone and to pray. While he commended the use of riches to help the poor, he himself never had much in the way of earthly goods-apparently not even a home to call his own or an extra change of raiment.

When he was preparing to leave his closest friends, he took a bowl of water and a towel and got down on his knees to wash their feet, insisting that they learn to live through serving one another, not by sitting in the places of honor. Betrayed by a follower who led the police to his prayer spot in Gethsemane, he kissed the follower and bade his friends not to raise their swords.

Brought before Pilate and Caiaphas, he saw the uselessness of protest and fell into creative silence. Crucified between two criminals, he spoke kindly to the one with an open heart and forgave the soldiers who had followed orders in carrying out his execution. He didn’t have to be this way. He didn’t have to submit to such mistreatment.

Meekness rewarded.

Jesus stated that meekness would result in inheriting the earth.  “A land” was promised to the people of Israel.  What earth or land was to be inherited? Some scholars believe the land refers to the Promised Land originally pledged to the patriarchs of the Old Testament (Genesis 12:7; 24:7; 26:3; 28:13). Others say it is the future Millennial Kingdom described in Revelations 20:1-10.

But acquiring a land signified much more than a possession.  It implied a sense of place, security, and an inheritance from God.  These promises will be realized with the second coming of the Messiah, when there will be a new heaven and a new earth (Revelations 21:1).  The new earth will not be possessed by the powerful despots, the ruthless tyrants, or the manipulative schemers. It will be possessed by the meek.

This promise of a land is also for us believers who are benefiting from the New Covenant.  It will be fulfilled in a far more glorious way than anyone could imagine.  This is our living hope for today (1 Timothy 4:10; Titus 2:13).

How does one become meek?

Meekness and gentleness and goodness are part of the fruit of the Spirit.  They are produced in the Christian by the Holy Spirit.

To cultivate a spirit of meekness, we are encouraged to walk by the Spirit (Galatians 5:24-25).  That means we are controlled by the Spirit of God This will result in our being conformed to the image of Christ including His meekness.

The Gospel narratives of Jesus’ life shared what meekness in action looks like. Jesus could have called down angels to take his side in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:53). But, for all of this, he was a meek man, a man after the heart of God, a man from the heart of God. Let us follow Jesus’ glorious example. Let us seek meekness.